How They Would Watch Your Cup

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"Hey, can you hold this for a sec? I'll be right back," Y/N smiled before quickly turning and rushing through the crowd.


just covers the cup with his hand as it hangs by his side and returns to what he's doing. nice and simple- he was assigned a task, now he's gonna casually protect the cup until you return. just hands you the cup silently when you return, giving an acknowledging nod.


"i got you"

gets it. he keeps the cup close to chest, and gives a look on his face like he's tough. 

"i protected it," he grins proudly when you return, handing you the cup.


"whatever" he jokingly rolls his eyes, and keeps pretending he's annoyed to hold your cup for a second before returning back to what he was doing, cup now in his hand.

"took you long enough," he jokes again when you return, handing you the cup.

"why does it look like there's less in it?"

"i dunno."


"i'm not your table, woman/sir/bloke!" he teasingly hollers as pushes your hand away as you're trying to give him the cup.

"yeah, tommy, that's the point!"

"wha- oh. oh! oh, alright, cheers." his face drops a little more serious before he flashes you a smile, accepting the cup.

once your're gone he pulls the cup into his lap as he sits on the counter, sort of returning to what he was doing but clearly directing his main attention at the drink in his hand, staying aware.

when you return: "i nor any man have put drugs in your drink, miss/sir/comrade." he says very officially, giving an overly serious expression.


"oh, okay,"

kind of glancing around and down at the cup for a moment before pulling it into his chest and slowly returning to his conversation.

"here you are," he smiles and presents the cup to you when you return.


makes a statement of covering the cup as he holds it, which he maintains when he turns and continues what he was doing.

"all safe," he nods and smiles when he hands you the cup when you get back.


"uuuggggggghhhhh" he pretends it's the end of the world but reaches and takes the cup out of your hand, before breaking his act and smiling.

keeps the cup in his hand the whole time when he returns to what he was doing. 

gets hype about something and nearly spills it.

you thank him when you get back and he smiles "no problem!"


"of course."

hugs the cup to his chest and covers it while returning to his conversation.

didn't notice you  when you came back, and spins around when you tap his shoulder. 

"oh! here you go!" he smiles.


"mhm" he nods.

inspects the cup once you leave, trying to figure out what it is.

takes a sip to find out, humming in reaction to the taste.

that was pretty good.

maybe another sip won't hurt.

when you return. "wil, the fuck?"

 he looks to you, holding the evidence of an empty cup in his hand. 

"i'll make you another one!"

proceeds to pull out some bartender skills out of nowhere and mixes you a cool drink super fancy and spinning/tossing the bottles around and such.

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