feral boys x reader (/p)

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You loved living with Dream, George, Sapnap, Quackity, and Karl. It was super fun- you got to live with your best friends, you were never bored, you always had someone around when you were upset, you have five dudes who would murder someone for looking at you the wrong way, and oh yeah did you mention it was sO FUN.

However, you did appreciate when you had your quiet time to yourself. And this happened in the mornings. The guys would always sleep in til at least 11, if not later. You were a morning person, and rarely slept eight. Mornings were your time. You had the whole house to yourself, and everything was very peaceful and quiet. You'd play music and take your time getting ready. In nice weather, you'd sit outside with your coffee or tea. You would dance around the kitchen making yourself breakfast, sprawl out across the couch reading, get undisputed control over the TV-remote, and got the cats' attention all to yourself.

And this morning was like no other. It was nine am. You were already dressed and ready for the day, and you were currently in the kitchen with your speaker, blasting The Front Bottoms as you made some toaster waffles and cut up a banana to go with it.

The cats weren't in there with you. Which was weird- they usually ran to you in the mornings to bed for attention. But you ignored it. They were probably scratching outside one the the boys' doors or something.

So you just turned up the music until you could barely hear yourself think and jammed out. You didn't have to worry about waking anyone up- everyone's rooms were sound-proofed cause of streaming. You were screaming along to "Lipstick Covered Magnet" as you sliced the banana. You could've sworn you heard something from the other room. Must've been one of the cats.

When the waffles were done, you popped then on the plate with the bananas and sprinkled cinnamon over top of everything. The song "Skeleton" started playing, and you couldn't help but jump around as you grabbed your untensils.

"I HAVE VERY STRONG BONES!" You screamed the lyrics as you threw yourself around the kitchen, flipping your hair around to the song. You grabbed your plate and finally turned around to face the entryway to the kitchen. When you did, you got the shit scared out of you and dropped your plate to the floor, yelping and jumping back.

All five of your roommates were standing in the doorway, watching you, amused. And now they were laughing at your reaction.

"Holy shit!" You yelled, one hand was glued to your chest against your pounding heart as you turned the music down. "Why the fuck are you guys awake? And ready? It's only 9, right?"

The boys just stood there, laughing even harder at your confusion.


"Y/n, we have that meeting today." Dream managed to get out between wheezes.

"Oh shit."

Right. You guys were supposed to meet with the Mr. Beast team today about a new video idea. You'd completely forgotten about that.

"What time are we leaving again?" You asked, suddenly frantic.

"Uhh, about five minutes ago," Karl giggled.

"FUCK!" You yelled, turning on your heels and bolting through the boys to go grab your shoes from your room. But you stopped in your tracks, realizing something as you spun back around to face your roommates.

"How long were you guys just standing there?"

The only response was another bout of uncontrollable laughter. You sighed, mentally cursing yourself for forgetting about the meeting, and continued on your way to your room.

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