A Child

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REQUEST FROM @WriterSprite123 
TYSM!!! <3 <3 <3

It was snowing. It was always snowing where Techno lived, but recently the weather had been especially cold. There was heavy snowfall all through the night, and though it stopped when the sun rose, the thick blanket of snow was still complimented by freezing temperatures.

Techno didn't have any plans for the day, but he still found himself waking up with the sunrise. He decided to head outside and see just how much damage the snow had done, and as he expected, everything was covered in a thick white glaze. He had to admit, it was pretty. But it was still cold, and he threw his heavy red cape over his shoulders as soon as he was reminded of this.

He found himself absentmindedly taking a stroll in the woods. He enjoyed the peace and quiet. He didn't get to see it often with Tommy's shenanigans, Tubbo's government plans, Dream's plots, and all the other chaos that Techno was inevitably dragged into. And now with Ranboo and Tubbo getting married and having a son, there were even more kids around with too much energy.

So this walk in the woods was an escape of sorts. Techno allowed his mind to wander in the quiet of the morning as he trod deeper and deeper into the trees. It was silent. That was, until the silence was disturbed.

Techno couldn't tell what the sound was, at first. It was too distant, too muted by the snow. But as the terrain got a bit more rocky, he was able to tell it was an ambient blend of whimpering, teeth chattering, and shallow breaths.

"Hello?" Techno called out into the cold. There was no response. "Are you alright?" This time the whimpering stopped for a moment, followed by a small cough. Then silence.

Techno began scouring the area, looking for whoever seemed to be in trouble. Eventually he found a small indentation in the rocky landscape that had been protected from the snow by an overhang. Inside, he saw a small figure wrapped in a thin blanket, shivering in the cold.

"Hello?" He asked again cautiously as he approached them. They were small. Real small. This was a kid. A child. And not like a Tommy-child. This kid was no older than 8.

Techno cursed under his breath. He knew he needed to help, but he didn't know what the hell he was supposed to do. He knelt down beside the child and saw they were unconcious. But they were breathing, at least. They were alive.

The kid's skin was cold to the touch, and small fragments of ice filled their hair. Techno took off his red cloak and wrapped the child in it as they picked them up. His mind raced with questions as he ran back to his house. Where had this kid come from? Why were they alone outside in the storm? And what the fuck was he supposed to do with them now.

Luckily, help had made itself available. As his house came into view, Techno could see Philza stood on the front porch, looking around. Once he had gotten closer, Phil was able to see that Techno was carrying something, and he could tell from his friend's face that the situation was urgent. He held the door open for Techno and they entered the warm house, an air of concern filling the room.

"Jesus, Techno, what-" Phil sat speechless with his mouth agape as Techno placed the bundle down onto a bench and unraveled it to reveal a small, shivering child. "Who the fuck is that?"

"I don't know!" Techno exclaimed, "I found 'em! Do you recognize them?"

Phil looked closer and shook his head. "Mate, I don't think that's our main priority right now. They don't look too good!"

"I don't know how long they were out there for," Techno explained as he fed more logs into the fire.

Techno moved the bench closer to the warmth of the fire place and stared at the kid, his face full of concern, "I'm glad you're here, Phil. What do we do?"

"I dunno."

"What do you mean you don't know?" Techno erupted, desperate, "you're Philza Minecraft! You're supposed to know these things!"

"I mean, I can help you, get them healthy and safe and all," Philza explained, "but I don't know what to do after that. I'm not exactly a model father, Techno."

That was fair. He did kill his own son.

"How do i fix her, though?" Techno gestured excessively at the unconcious kid.

Philza sighed and began to explain. Together, they prepared a warm meal and tea for the kid when they woke up, and they gathered blankets as well. They planned on moving them to the bed once they were warm enough.

"What about clothes, Phil? Theirs are all torn up and soaking wet from the snow."

"They could probably borrow some of Michael's, for now. He's young but this kid's a runt, and I'm sure he's got something big enough to fit. If not, maybe something of Tubbo's will work. He's small."

Techno nodded.

"I'll go see Tubbo and Ranboo, then. Ask what all they can spare."

"What? You're gonna leave me alone with them!??!" Techno's eyes widened.

"Calm down, I'll be back."

"What if they wake up while you're gone?"

"Just be friendly and comforting, I dunno. Explain that you're here to help. Give em' the food like we planned."

"Phil! I can't console a child!"

"Well you're gonna have to, mate."

"Why can't I go see Tubbo and you stay here."

"You found the kid!"


"Calm down!" Phil put a hand on Techno's soldier. "It's a child, Techno. They're not gonna kill you."

And with that, Phil turned and walked out the front door. Techno turned back and stared at the sleeping child on the bench and sighed. They looked a bit better, at least. Their skin looked all pale and purple before. It had a better color to it now. Techno gently placed the back of his hand on the kid's neck to see how cold they were. He was relieved to find that they had warmed up immensley since when he first found them.

They still looked cold, though. Uncomfortable. He felt bad for them. Techno went upstairs and grabbed a pillow from his own bed. He lifted the kid's head gently and placed the pillow underneath. 

The kid was still wrapped in his cloak. He didn't mind, though. He just wrapped another blanket over their shoulders, feeling like he ought to do something else. Anything.

When there was nothing left for him to do, he pulled in a chair from the kitchen, spun it around, and sat in it backwards. He rested his arms on the back of the chair, and eventually his chin on his arms as he watched the child's breath become more and more steady. He also felt himself growing calmer. More confident that when the kid woke up, he'd be able to help.

(part 1??? would u want part 2??)

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