Cult Meeting

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dsmp house party x reader little moment 

idk whos house it is it doesnt matter

this is very sloppily written enjoy :)

Charlie realizes he hasn't seen his girlfriend in a while. When he mentions it, Jack, who was in the same conversation as him, realizes he hasn't seen Niki in a bit. Karl notices that Brooke and Tina are also missing.  Corpse notices Emma is missing. They easily put together that they're probably all together.

Half an hour later and they still haven't seen the girls, which is weird because the boys were sitting in the living room that is in the center of the house- you have to cross through it to get anywhere, and they also had a clear view of the kitchen, and they didn't see the girls there.

Charlie decides to go find them to check on Grace and walks through the house trying to find them, but he still can't find them. He passes Wilbur in the kitchen, and asks him if hes seen any of them. Wilbur laughs and replies that he watched a bunch of people run upstairs about an hour ago, and he thinks Grace was with them.

Charlie is confused and walks upstairs. The doors in the hallway are all closed but the light is showing under the door of one. He opens it to reveal the following sight:

Lights dim, Y/N sitting cross legged on the floor, shuffling a deck of cards. Grace sitting across from her, a few cards placed in front of her, she's looking to Y/N with anticipation. The other girls are sitting in a circle around them, watching. None of them noticed he walked in.

"What the fuck is this cult shit?" Charlie laughs. The girls notice him and start cracking up. Grace explains that Y/N is giving tarot readings.

"Why are we in epehgeh" he gestures around, "hidden room sitting in a- a cult circle, though? Is that... part of it?"

"Yes, we had to be in a calmer energy environment," Y/N explains. A card falls out of her shuffle and she moves it so it's in front of Grace. "Uh oh, that one's not good," She mumbles.

Charlie is convinced they are performing some sort of ritual and is very concerned, though quite amused, so he just leaves, kinda scared of whatever the hell they were doing.

He returns to the living room and plops back down on the couch, looking like he's seen some shit. Everyone there questions what happened. 

"Well I found them. They're upstairs doing some witchcraft shit."

"What the fuck?" And laughter.

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