Mysterious Guest

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no ships
she/her pronouns
scene: tensions have been growing throughout the land. nevertheless, the annual ball is held. one guest catches the attention of many of the locals.

"Wilbur! She's stacked, I'm telling you! This could be our chance!"

"I know, Tommy."

"He's right, supplies are our biggest disadvantage at the moment-"

"I'm aware, Jack."

"Wilbur we've got to get to her before Dream does-"

"Yes, Tubbo, just-"

"I heard she's super smart, too."

"Thank you Eret, just - GENTLEMEN!"

Wilbur stopped in his tracks and spun around to face his men, who all stumbled abruptly to a stop and looked to him. Everything they were saying was true. Y/n could very well be their one shot to break apart from the SMP. But the issue was that they weren't the only ones with that idea. Techno also wanted out, but he moreso wanted the destroy any government at all. If he was somehow able to be friendly enough tonight to befriend Y/n, there'd be no stopping him.

And then there was Schlatt. The reason Wilbur had refused to allow Karl and Quackity to meet with his group that night. Schlatt didn't even live in the SMP, but Wilbur was well aware that the man was going to jump in and try to seize power at the first sign of vulnerability. Schlatt was a businessman, and would surly try making Y/n a deal for her help. And Wilbur knew Quackity and Karl would be quick to follow Schlatt if that happened.

And then there was the dream team. Wilbur was most concerned about them recruiting Y/n. If they were successful, they'd be even more powerful than they already were. Any rebellion would be impossible. And who knows what Dream would do with that kind of power.

As much as Wilbur wanted Y/n's help, he secretly longed for the final option: she wants nothing to do with their problems. She never announced why she was making the journey all the way from the lands of Hypixel just to attend this ball. In fact, they had never even received a direct message from her. Her friend Purpled, who visited Hypixel often, had simply invited her and then told the SMP that she was coming.
So perhaps that's all it was. just a visit. Perhaps she would refuse to get involved- to become another chess piece in their tensions- and simply leave after the ball concluded, never to return.

(time skip to the ball has begun)

The ball was beginning to swing into motion. All of the locals has already arrived, and a majority of the visitors had made their way in. This included Techno, Schlatt, the members of the badlands, Corpse, and many others. But Y/n was yet to arrive. You could tell from the way everyone kept glancing around looking for her.

Wilbur had told his men to go have fun, and found himself standing alone by the bar, sitting on his drink.

Schlatt made his over back over to refill his cup, and smiled when he saw Wilbur.

"Hey, buddy! Whatcha doin here alone?" He smirked, leaning on the counter beside Wilbur.

Wilbur scoffed. "I'm sure you're aware of the potential this night holds."

"Yeah... the rich chick from Hypixel. She makes a terrible impression, I must say. Look how late she already is- who knows if the broad is even gonna show!"

Wilbur was about to respond when he felt a presence behind him. He turned to see Techno behind him, adorned in his royal red cape and usual mask.

"Techno." He greeted.

"Wilbur." Techno responded.

"Aye Techno, I'm sure you'll want a word with Y/n as well, huh?" Schlatt laughed.

Techno shrugged slightly. "Perhaps." He answered cooly.

And then another person appeared at the bar. Dream himself. No one spoke at first, until Schlatt cleared his throat to chuckle and ask "what are you hiding her from us or something?"

"Oh come on, I'd never do such a thing."

Wilbur cocked his head to the side, and he could see Techno beside him raising his eyebrows.

"Okay, fine. Even if I would, I'll have you know that she has yet to arrive."

"How are we to know if you're lying to us?" Wilbur shot.

"Because if she was here, I'd be speaking with her, not you people."

Wilbur was silent after this. He was right after all.

(time skip to end of ball)

Wilbur sat back in his chair. Across the table, Karl and Quackity were arguing about which one of them pioneered some joke. Wilbur wasn't paying much attention. He sighed, stretching his neck to stare at the mural on the cielling.

Everyone had given up on Y/n's arrival a while ago. She clearly wasn't going to show. Schlatt had taken this as an all clear to get drunk out of his mind. Dream was off with his friends. Techno wanted to leave- he wasn't much of a party person- but lingered just in case.

On one hand, Wilbur was disappointed. Not only could Y/n have helped his cause, he had frowned very interested in meeting her. All this talk of her had turned her into a mysterious character in his head. And now he would never know anything for himself.

The ball lingered on longer than it was meant to, mostly due to people holding out futile hope that she would show up. The band had packed up and left an hour ago. Visitors from other lands had said their goodbyes and left. Many SMP residents even went home.

And then, it happened. The already relatively quiet room fell silent when sounding laughter came from outside the main door. The female laughs. One was distinctly Niki's- wilbur now realized he hadn't seen her there all night. But the other laugh was unrecognizable.

No one was left to wonder for long. The doors swung open and Y/n and Niki walked in arm in arm. Y/n looked just as elegant as they'd expected. From her clothes to the way she held herself, she looked important.

The girls had clearly not expected to have every eye in the building on them as they entered. They froze and shared a glance between themselves. Niki leaned in and whispered something to Y/n, and the pair giggled again.

"My apologizes for my late arrival," Y/n spoke. Her voice was clear and elegant, you could tell she was used to public speaking. "Purpled took me to meet Niki on our way here, and we lost track of the time, a bit. This SMP is extremely lucky, Niki is such an excellent baker and such a beautiful person to be around."

"Stop, y/n," Niki giggled, tugging on the girls arm a bit. Y/n laughed at the response.

"No worries at all, Y/n," Dream spoke, standing quickly and walking towards her. He shook her hand enthusiastically and continued to insist, "the ball isn't over yet, you are free to stay and meet everyone else if you wish."

"Oh, I dont want to be a bother, I should let you all get home for the night."

"No, really, it's alright-" Dream tried to say, but a smile and a slight shake of the head was enough from Y/n to shut him up.

"Really, I must be going. But don't worry, I'll be back soon."

Every head in the room perked up at this, and Y/n laughed at their response. "I simply must return to see Niki again. I can already tell we're going to be the best of friends."

Techno, Dream, and Wil all opened their mouths to speak, but before they could, Y/n continued:

"I do feel I should preface, though, that I will be remaining a completely neutral entity in these lands. I've heard quite a bit about your situation, and it is very much not my place to get involved," she explained politely.

A blanket of disappointment settled over the remaining guests, who has previously hoped for her assistance. But they made sure not to let it show-      Y/n was still their guest, and a very important one at that.

"Completely understandable, Y/n. We, uh, look forward to your next visit." Dream said as he shook her hand again. Y/n smiled, said goodbye, and turned around and started walking towards the exist with Niki, arm in arm.

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