A Stressful MCC

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in which: y/n is scared she's gonna fuck up mcc for her whole team

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Shit.

MCC teams were just announced. I kept refreshing twitter to make sure it wasn't a mistake. It was real. Team: Red Rabbits. Members: Dream, Technoblade, Philza Minecraft, and y/u/n.

My cursing must have been out loud, because my roommate Niki entered my room, looking concerned.
"Are you Okay?"

"LOOK AT THIS!" I exclaimed, scooting my chair back so Niki could look at the team open on my computer.

"Oh my god, y/n! Your team is so good, how is that even allowed?"

"I don't know! My points must be that bad that it technically balances out or something..."

"No fair! You guys are totally going to win!"

"Niki, that's the problem!"

Niki looked to me, confused. "Why would that be a problem!"

"Because it's three of the best players, and if we don't win, it's gonna be my fault!"

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is, Niki!"

"Y/n, you can't go into this being that negative, it's just gonna make it worse."

I sighed. Niki was right, I knew that. But that didn't change my mind on the fact that the only thing that could possibly keep this team from victory is me.


Time seemed to fly that next week. Suddenly it was already Thursday night, and MCC was on Friday. Dream had suggested we all get together and practice and strategize and stuff. All my teammates were already in a call together, but i hesitated to join. It was silly- they were my friends. We streamed together all the time. But right now I was dreading joining the call.

"There you are, y/n!" Phil greeted once I'd finally joined.

"Hi guys!" I said, forcing any nerves out of my voice.

"Let's practice some dodgebolt. Just in case we make it there," Dream said. The others laughed at his sarcasm- it was obvious to them that we were gonna make it to the finals.

We loaded in. The teams were random every time. We started off with me and Phil together.

"As a rule of thumb, everyone just plan on using me as a human shield," I joked as the timer ticked down.

Everyone chuckled.

The round started. Phil got one arrow, Techno got the other. The two were close friends- they were sure to be extra competitive towards one another.

Despite my best efforts to dodge, Techno got me on his first shot. Every round followed like that. Everyone else was really good though. It was cool to watch them.

"I feel like we've done enough of this," Techno said after around ten rounds.

"Hold up, I feel like y/n hasn't gotten to practice shooting," Dream said.

"Yeah I never really make it that far."

"Okay, start another round, no one shoot y/n, though."

We loaded into a new round, and I was on a team with Dream. They let me grab both of the arrows, and the others started running around on the other side.

"Try and aim for where they're about to be, not where they are," Dream encouraged me.

I took a deep breath and aimed my first shot. I decided to go for Phil, since he was closer to me in the moment. I lined my shot up and waited until he was about to pass by- then I shot.

And I missed.

"Fuck!" I yelled, half laughing.

"Okay, okay," Dream chuckled, "one more shot. Try again."

I bit my lip as I aimed again. And somehow, this time, I didn't miss!

"There you go, y/n!" Phil exclaimed.

"You're not a bad shot!" Dream said, "Techno get us the arrows back so she can go for you."


Once I had the arrows back, I observed Techno's movement. I pulled the bow back, following his character with my eyes. I shot and-


"YES Y/N!" Dream exclaimed, his character hitting mine repeatedly.

We went a few more rounds like that and to everyone's surprise, especially mine, I made a majority of my shots.

"Alright, new plan, feed the arrows to y/n!" Dream laughed as I killed him and won the final match for me and Techno.

"Yeah, but I'm not gonna stay alive long enough to shoot when people are allowed to shoot me back," I shook my head.

"Well we'll teach you to dodge, then." Techno said.

"I don't wanna take up all our time," I said, looking at the clock on my wall. It had already been an hour."

"Not at all, that's the point of this practice," Phil assured me.

"Fair. I always suspected this practice was mostly gonna be for me," I laughed, cracking my tired knuckles, "I mean, you guys are already really good."

"What do you mean? We all need to practice," Dream said.

"Pshhh. Sure. Like you guys don't all place top five, like, every tournament."

"Well we all still needed to come up with strategies and plans, anyways." Phil said, "Besides, a team needs all four of us."

"That's the problem, though. I'm like, a handicap for this team."

"That's not true!" Dream tried to argue.

"Mmmm?" I squinched my face up, doubtful.

"Y/n, if this were a team full of top players it would be a disaster. Everyone would get in eachother's way. Your role is important to make us actually playable." Techno said.

I stayed silent. I guess that made sense.

"He's right! And besides, you're better than you think you are," Phil added.

"True! You gotta give yourself more credit, I mean, did you just see yourself make all those shots?!?" Dream exclaimed.

"I guess," I giggled.

"Well there you go then," Dream announced,  "Now let's practice your dodging. The goal is to be unpredictable, so you kind of have to-"

Okay. Maybe this wasn't going to be as torturous as I thought.

(part 1! part 2 with the actually tournament coming soon!)

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