At a Dsmp Party

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Ok this is what i think they'd be doing if the dsmp members had a huge irl house party or smth
cw: drugs and alcohol

he'd be the one getting everyone to play different party games, and then he'd dominate them. bonus points cause everyone wants him on their team for cup pong

smoking on the couch just chillin and vibing to the music, hanging with whoever he's sitting with

sticking with dream and just doing whatever he does- until he gets too drunk and then he goes off on his own to go joke around with other people

alternates between vibing on the couch with sap and joining the crowded dance floor. he is also likely crossed

chillin on the back porch away from the chaos, just casually talking with his friends and having a good time as he sips some fancy ass drink like he's got bourbon or smth

spends a good amount of time just hanging out back with techno cause he enjoys it, but likes to go inside a bit to make fun of the chaos that his friends are causing

tearing it up on the dance floor. mans is LEADING the dancing crowd. also he has not had a sip of alcohol- he's just on his seventh monster. if you didn't know him tho you'd think he was as drunk as his friends. bonus points cause karl def made the playlist for the party

i have this idea that niki and eret and minx (cause i decided she's there as well) and puffy would be eating it up on the dance floor like they'd be getting so into it and they'd be the sexiest bitches there. niki specifically tho would take breaks from dancing to go get water in the kitchen to cool down while refilling her drink and hang out for a bit with whoever was in there

bouncing around between his different friends and laughing his ass off at how crazy they're all acting. he'd def challenge dream in cup pong and have tubbo play with him and they'd lose terribly

dancing queen. but he's also encouraging everyone to dance with him and cheers people on when they do a cool move. he is also god at cup pong, so him and dream are always paired together cause they know they'll win

playing all the party games and i feel like he'd be mixing people super fancy drinks in the kitchen. every now and then he takes a break from the chaos and sits outside with techno for a bit, and skeppy comes with

red is there enough said

jkjk he'd also be dancing his fucking heart out

hanging in the kitchen most of the time where it's quiet, occasionally heading into the chaos living room to play some games and when he wants a break from all the energy him and ranboo chill on the front porch and get light headed from laughing too hard

all of the above. wilbur is dancing, hanging out with people, vibing on the couch, talking out back with techno and phil, and playing games. he doesn't stay at one thing for two long. eventually he disappears and no one notices until he comes back at 5am and only a few people are awake and he tells them he explored the woods behind the house and shows them the cool fossil he found

mostly just hanging with people cause he's cracking everyone up, he also tried to do stupid shit like climbing onto the chandelier and stirring his beer with a blunt and ranboo had to pull him away from it, laughing the whole time

he's with the people hanging around and talking cause he just finds it so fucking funny plus they're easy to mess with cause they're drunk. he also hangs in the kitchen and out front with tubbo when they want a break from the chaos

sam i feel like just goes with the flow like he's content wherever he his whatever he's doing and whenever a friend pulls him to go do smth else he's happy to go. he's one of the like head empty no thoughts drunks and he's having a fantastic time

he's drunk but he spends the first part of his intoxication with the high people on the couch cause i feel like when jacks only buzzed that's his vibe, and then when he drinks more he goes fucking nuts and involves himself in whatever looks the most exciting to him in the moment

as i said she is one of the sexiest bitches on the dance floor. she also spends some time with sap and punz on the couch cause theyre easy targets to make fun of right now and she takes a hit or two from them as well. she also spends time keeping bad company in the kitchen while he's making his fancy shit

i feel like skeppy starts out being super involved in the party games because he likes to troll people in them, but as he gets more drunk he gets more clingy and spends the rest of the night with bad

once again dancing queen. but also eret carries the group that's drunk and just hanging out. chaotic enough but also just hanging ya know like i feel like she's the one that holds that part together. he also has a bunch of random ass hidden talents that they're showing off

i feel like he's just a very very giggly drunk. like he's giggling at dream and george, he's giggling and the boys smoking on the couch, he's giggling at bartender bad, and he's getting kinda clingy to karl so he spends a lot of time dancing even tho he would also be really into just hanging

spends lots of time with the just hanging people, but also finds the girls on the dance floor. also she is definitely the funniest drunk there and also everyone is shocked at how good she is at the games

when there for a few hours in the beginning and got really into the party games but then left cause he was hanging with wallibear that night

showed up late and already high cause he had a dif party before this- he arrives right when wilbur is about to embark for the journey in the woods and goes with him. but afterwards he doesn't return to the house he goes and crashes at his own place with grace

was also at that other party with slime and was already drunk upon arrival. after making fun on wil and charlie for running off into the woods, he plays some of the games then chills with the vibers on the couch, but doesn't talk much cause his mind is in the tenth dimension and then he falls asleep

spends a lot of time dancing and then he runs into fundy and he drunkenly does the cat maid bit and gets the entire room cracking up before he retires to the kitchen the just talk to whoever's in there

for a lot of the time he's been in his own little world dancing his heart out, but he takes breaks to hang with people and to cheer on and encourage fundy to do his stupid shit and then boo at ranboo for stopping him

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