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idk what i'm doing anymore
enjoy :)

prolly fighting over something like fans' reaction to you guys
you don't care about what people say but that made him frustrated cause he wanted to protect you
weren't really listening to eachother's reasoning in the moment
he talked to george and snapmap about it and you talked to niki and wil
your friends told you guys to shut up and listen to eachother
you did and made up, and figured out a plan to deal with social media that would make you both comfortable

he didn't understand an issue you were dealing with and gave up on trying to
you tried to keep the problem to yourself because of it
he got frustrated because he felt like you were being distant
you got frustrated because he didn't get it
it was an unspoken thing for a while until one day things just felt too weird so you both just said fuck it and talked it out
he still didn't fully understand what you were going through but he understood the affect it was having on you and was finally able to help

you guys have little meaningless arguments/banter all the time
it usually is all just jokes in good fun
one time he accidentally oversteps and says something that crossed the line of just being a joke to you
you got silent and he immediately realized what happened by the look on your face
"shit, wait i didn't mean it like that!"
you needed some space cause you were really taken aback
he came to apologize profusely when you were ready and kept saying how stupid he was and that he should have thought about what he was saying
you end up just cuddling

i cannot imagine this man doing something wrong so you were the problem here
people were ganging up on him during jackbox and you joined in
he didn't show it on stream but he didn't like that you went along with the jokes against him
he seemed upset after the stream so you asked what was wrong
he kept saying like "oh it's nothing" because he didn't want you to feel bad
you wouldn't let up so he explained it
you felt so fucking bad (as you should) and promised you will never not protect him again
he appreciated how you cared and called you his knight in shining armer

you'd been together for about six months and were in that weird area of like "this isn't really a casual relationship anymore but how to we make the transition away from acting like it"
so you guys weren't the greatest at communication yet
he was scared he was going to scare you off if he talked too much about how a relationship would work with his mental health stuff but he knew it was time to talk about it
you were experiencing the exact same thing
but neither of you wanted to talk about it so you didn't even know it was a common thing between the two of you
as a result you both started getting kinda distant and then there was a whole week where you didn't communicate
wilbur got scared at this and called you asking what was going on but accidentally came off more accusingly than he meant to
you were like bitch you've been avoiding me just as much
he eventually caved and ended up rambling about everything to you
you told him to wait one sec and ended the call and then showed up at his house to tell him you were going through the same thing
you had a very good conversation about how you were both ready to take things more seriously and what that was going to look like
from then on you guys were the kings/queen of communication

he's a lot more mature than he likes to show, so you don't really get in to as many genuine arguments as you'd think
you guys go to college together and have a couple of the same classes
there was a group project where you worked in groups of four but he ran to three of his other friends instead of you
you didn't know anyone else in the class and had to work with people you didn't know which was kinda awkward cause they were all already friends
you felt like an outsider
you were kinda offended that he practically ran from you so you asked him why on the walk home
he said something along the lines of "we don't have to do everything together"
and you were like yeah but you literally abandoned me with a bunch of random people like you don't have to avoid me in school
he realized what you meant and felt bad but you kinda held a grudge for a little
the next week the teacher announced that you'd be doing a project in pairs and he immediately hollered "I'M WORKING WITH Y/N"
things were fine after that

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