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b e d t i m e  s t o r y

"LIA," she heard someone calling her as she was trying to sleep

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"LIA," she heard someone calling her as she was trying to sleep. "Lia, wake up."

The girl slowly opened her eyes before turning around to see Isaac sitting on her bed.

"Good morning," she told him as she slowly laid her body on her elbows as she placed them on the bed, letting the highlights slide through the covers onto the floor. "Did I stay up till late reading this thing?" She asked, mockingly, showing him her copy of the chemistry document.

"I was actually going to ask you if you could give me your notes," told her Isaac with a small smile. "I didn't understand a thing I read, so I just read the first sentence," he whispered before laying next to her, grabbing her copy. "What do the different highlighters mean?"

Amelia sighed. "Something I learned working as a secretary at the sheriff's station. Yellow is important parts of the text. Orange is things I don't understand. Pink is unknown vocabulary. Blue is things I already knew or things I've read before and sound familiar. And purple is evidence."

"What do you mean with evidence?"

"Quotes, facts, anything non fictional."

"All the stuff I thought was fiction became reality so quick," Isaac murmured before Amelia's phone started buzzing. "It's your phone. Someone's calling you."

Amelia kept reading the page. "Pick up, please."

Isaac exhaled before picking up. "Hey, this is Isaac, picking up Lia's phone... uh, sure." He gave her the phone. "No surprise, it's for you."

Amelia rolled her eyes before picking up. "Hello, this is Lia picking up Lia's phone," she joked.

"How's my cure going?"

Amelia sat down quickly, tossing the book aside. "Alexandra..."

Isaac opened his eyes abruptly as he placed his ear next to the phone, listening.

"How's my cure going, Amelia?"

The girl stammered. "It's complicated, okay? What makes you think that I'd find in Beacon Hills in fifteen days something that we didn't find in three months?"

"A cure?" Mouthed Isaac and she nodded.

"Amelia, I'm just saying that you have nine days left to find the cure and fix whatever it is that it's wrong with me. It's not that hard. You're in Beacon Hills after all, the center of Supernatural activity. Ask Deaton, ask Morrell, ask your mother, I don't care. I need a cure."

"What happens if I don't get one?"

Alexandra chuckled. "Allison will run out of time. Find it..."

She hung up the phone and Amelia was quick to put it down, sighing.

"A cure for what?"

"A cure to be human," explained Amelia. "A cure to stop being a Supernatural Hunter."

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