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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO?" Liam asked his Alpha as he stood up from the floor, walking towards him

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO?" Liam asked his Alpha as he stood up from the floor, walking towards him.

"Liam, look at her," whispered Scott. "She's too weak. It will kill her. We don't even know what the mercury's doing to her. We don't know if it is actually mercury. This can't be the only way to save her life."

"It saved mine."

"Well, that was different. You were hanging off a ledge."

Isaac removed the last piece of glass from Amelia's body before looking at Scott and Liam, discussing with each other.

"Right now, since Amelia is too weak to say something that will release the tension of the moment, I will take charge," talked Isaac, making Scott and Liam look at him. Isaac made a loud sigh, imitating the Sealgair. "Men..."

Liam stared at Isaac for a few seconds before looking back at Scott. "You promised. You said you'd do everything you could."

"Which is why I'm not going to do something I think is going to kill her," defended Scott before he started panting. "There has to be... There has to..."

"Scott," called him Theo as he tossed him his inhaler.

Scott caught it before pressing the button, inhaling it. "There has to be another way to save her."

"Okay, since Amelia is not the main discussion here, I'm gonna take her," whispered Isaac as he placed Amelia's shirt done before turning her around, lifting her up again.

"Guys," called Theo and they all looked at him, "I don't know what the statistics are for surviving a werewolf bite, but she's definitely not surviving this."

Scott turned around to look at Isaac holding Amelia. "Is she awake?"

"What can Amelia do?" Liam questioned and Scott looked at him.

"She always comes up with the right solution. It's a Sealgair thing, I just need her advice."

Isaac looked down to Amelia. "Well, the guidance counselor's office is closed today, Scott. She's passed out."

Scott closed his eyes before looking back at Hayden.

"We gotta do something," said Theo.

They had to.

• • •

"How's Amelia?" Scott asked over the phone and Isaac looked toward the girl.

"So, so," replied the werewolf. "She's semi conscious and she keeps asking for Stiles."

"No, no Stiles," Scott told on the phone and Isaac scratched the back of his neck. "I'll be there with my mom right after we finish this thing she's doing to Hayden."

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