[ t w e l v e ]

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t w e l v e
t h e j o u r n a l  o f
a l e c k a n e s e a l g a i r

t w e l v et h e  j o u r n a l  o fa l e c  k a n e  s e a l g a i r

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"Alec," his father called him and the teenager turned around, looking at him. "Have you trained today yet?"

Alec looked down towards his journal before closing it, leaving it hidden in his backpack before looking towards his father with a tiny smile.

"No, I'm actually late for school. I'll just train at night." The man nodded before going upstairs, leaving the basement.

The seventeen-year-old looked down to the journal in his backpack, next to the disassembled compound bow and some arrows before closing it, putting it on his back and walking upstairs.

The guy stepped outside the house, squeezing his eyes a bit as he got on his bike, looking towards the house before driving away.

Where was he even going? Should he be leaving?

The guy stopped the bike in front of Beacon Hills High School, taking off his helmet and carrying under his arm as he began walking.

"Hey you," he was thrown off by a voice that made him turn around.

"Hey, Sabrina," he greeted her softly and the girl smiled. "Funny... to see you here."

Sabrina Walters chuckled. "I study here, handsome," she told him and he nodded a bit. "Is everything alright, Alec?"

He raised his eyebrows. "Everything's fine, Sab. I gotta go to class, really—"

"Some of us are going to the movies," said Sab quickly, preventing him from walking away. He really did not like that girl. "Do you want to come? I heard that even Peter Hale is showing up."

Alec raised an eyebrow at the mention of that name, recognizing indeed the last name.

"Isn't Peter Hale like a senior?" Recalled Alec Sealgair. "Why would he go to the movies with you?"

The woman shrugged. "He likes to hang around," was the thing Sabrina said before smiling. "Oh my God, wait... are you still hung up on Gabriella?" Alec was looking for a way to get out of that conversation. "Alec, sweetie, she's never going to look at you. Let's see... show up at the movies tonight, bring Gabriella if she want to and after that, I'll leave you alone. What do you say?"

"I can't go to the movies tonight, Sab. I have training," he remembered her before smiling a bit. "Gotta go but... nice talk I guess."

Alec walked inside the building, leaving Sabrina all alone at the entrance.

There is no time for parties while you train.

He closed his eyes a bit. He just wanted his father's voice out of his head.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑 | STILES STILINSKI ⁴ (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now