[ t w e n t y t w o ]

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t w e n t y  t w o
d a m n a t i o m e n o r i a e

t w e n t y  t w o d a m n a t i o  m e n o r i a e

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"Amelia! This house doesn't have the supernatural ability to heal!" Yelled Melissa from upstairs and Isaac was quick to reply.

"I don't think she cares!" Shouted Isaac before looking at Amelia. "Lia, your father's journals aren't here. Is there any other place in Beacon Hills that your father used to visit?"

Amelia thought about it for a few seconds before opening his eyes widely, turning around to look at him.

"The Hale House." Isaac frowned. "He was linked to Talia Hale, wasn't he?"

Isaac scoffed a bit. "But he didn't know. And besides, if he did hide the journals in the Hale House, remember that they demolished it like seven months ago, when Derek was swimming in his fountain of youth."

Amelia nodded, remembering it. "You think they might have burned with the fire?"

"Honestly, I don't know what to think," murmured Isaac. "But there is one place left of the Hales that we haven't checked out since we almost died."

"The vault," whispered Amelia before looking up. "Do you think Talia could have put the journals in the vault?"

Isaac shrugged. "At this point, I would believe anything. But how are we even planning on entering the vault? Do I have to remind you that only Hales can enter? Do we know any— Never mind, we do know a Hale willing to help us, I just remembered."

Amelia raised her eyebrows. "We have to talk to Malia."

• • •

Malia opened the door to the vault for them before turning around to look at the two.

"What are we even looking for?" Malia asked the two as they walked inside the vault, looking through the shelves. "Are we here to steal something?"

Amelia scoffed. "Steal it back, more likely," corrected the girl as she was opening the boxes. "We are looking for a set of books. Journals, to be precise."

Malia frowned. "Whose journals?"

"My father's journals," replied Amelia again as she started touching the wall before she found something. "Malia, come here for a sec."

The werecoyote walked towards her and Isaac followed the girl. The three stood in front of the wall, and Amelia showed them the circular gate that looked similar to the one at the entrance of the vault.

Malia proceeded to place her claws in it, but it didn't turn like the others.

"It's not the same. It's too thin. My claws don't fit."

Amelia looked at her before placing her nails on the holes of the gate, trying to turn it.

It worked.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑 | STILES STILINSKI ⁴ (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now