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f i f t e e n
h a r d w o r k i n g

f i f t e e nh a r d w o r k i n g

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Alec had always hated chess. He would invent ways to skip that part of training. He would go to the woods and spend the whole hour he was supposed to be playing chess shooting arrows at a tree.

He never understood the point of it.

His powers were fine. He, obviously, didn't have as much talent as her perfect sister who was the first of their generation, or something like that explained his dad.

Supposedly, the first born of each generation of Sealgairs is more powerful than the rest, and he was a close second.

He hated it. Made him angry. Made him.

He heard someone. Steps.

Alec proceeded to hide behind a tree as he placed an arrow on the string. He used the reflex that the metal of the bow did to look who was behind him, and relaxed when he saw it was just a little kid.

Alec put the arrow back in the bag and the bow right in his shoulder before walking towards the little guy.

He couldn't be older than three, and he had some blue bright eyes with black hair that made Alec smile a bit.

"You lost little guy?" He asked the baby before extending his hand, letting the kid reach it and guide him. "Where are you taking me?"

But he let himself be guided by the kid until they reached a big house that he had never seen before, which made him squeeze his eyes as he looked up.

That smell... he recognized that smell. It smelled like...

Alec let go of the kid's hand as he ran towards his mother, who was waiting for him at the door of the house.

"Thank you for bringing him home, young man," said the woman and Alec stared at her. "What's your name?"

"Uhm... Alec... Alec Kane," he replied and she nodded.

"My name's Talia Hale," she let him know and he nodded a bit. "This is my son Derek you just brought home. May I offer you a cup of tea."

Alec scoffed a bit, stepping backwards. "Believe me, ma'am, you don't want to have tea with me," was the thing he said, but the woman chuckled.

"You go to school with Peter, don't you?" Alec nodded. "Same year?"

"No, uhm... one down. He's a senior, I'm a junior. We don't talk a lot. We are in the basketball team together, though," he mentioned and the woman seemed to understand. "Dammit..."

"Now I understand why you declined that cup of tea, Alec Sealgair." He flinched to the mention of his name, squeezing his eyes shut. "Do you like green tea?"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑 | STILES STILINSKI ⁴ (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now