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Amber's pov:

"So you are telling me... THAT ALL HAPPENED WHEN I WAS SLEEPING??!" I couldn't help but raise my voice as Liam blushed.

I was stunned.

If my dumb butt didn't fall asleep during the movie, I could have witnessed the DOWNFALL of my best friends 'dom like personality.'

If only I could go back in time, because gosh it would be my dream.

But I'd be lying if I didn't blush at the part where Liam said that Damien picked me up bridal style off the couch to take me home.

Goal for next time... DON'T fall asleep, because apparently that's when all the interesting stuff happens.

"Y-yeah." He stutters, looking away from me and out the window of his car.

We were parked in my driveway, deciding it was best to stay in here to share our almost first kiss experiences.

Obviously for safety reasons since my dad was inside the house. And this conversation... is something that I would prefer him not to hear.

"Awww, look who's the blushing one now." I squeal, squishing his cheek, to which he swats my hand away.

"Hey! You were a blushing mess in your story too missy!!"

"You aren't wrong, but at least I wasn't a stu-stuttering mess." I playfully mock, causing him to flip his head back over to me with a glare.

"That's a little rich coming from you don't you think?" He squints his eyes at me as he pokes my forehead.

Since when have I ever...


Honestly, I'm not even gonna deny it.

"...fine, so we were both stuttering messes, but isn't it crazy..." I start to say, biting my lip while trying to contain my smile.

"Is what crazy?"

"That's we've both almost had our first kisses? I remember us always talking about what our first kisses would be like when we were younger, but now..."

His eyes widen a tiny bit as he takes in my words, soon following with a small smile, "I remember that! We would sit and talk in that... awfully dangerous treehouse of yours that your dad built... well attempted to built. Why the f*ck did he let us in it?"

This causes us both to laugh as we think back to the tree house.

It was a great attempt of my dad wanting to build us something that would get us out of the house so he could watch tv and not have to hear our elementary school nonsense.

But that thing...

Was dangerous.

I am one thousand percent sure that it didn't stand up straight since the day it was built, and I even recall it shaking with any type of movement in it.

I don't know why Liam and I went in it almost everyday, even though we were young, we could tell that it was definitely not safe in the slightest bit.

After a couple seconds of laughter, we then fall into a comfortable silence. I take it as a chance to take in everything that Liam has told me up to this point, which causes a question to come to mind...

"Did you... you know, end up calling him after that night?" I couldn't help but ask.

His eyes wonder down to his lap, staring down for a couple seconds before shaking his head "no."

"What, but-..."

"I know... I'm just-... Ugh!!! What do I even say?! I couldn't even form a simple sentence when I was with him, how could I have a whole ass conversation?" He frustratedly groans as he places his head in his hands.

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