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Amber's pov:

With a humorous chuckle,  Ashton cradles Julie's smaller frame to his chest before covering the side of her face with wet kisses, earning a laugh from the rest of us.

"You are embarrassing me..." Julie whines, a prominent blush scattered across her cheeks.

"That's my job, princess." He smirks, giving her temple one last peck before taking a seat in the open space beside her. 

Even though I've known them for quite some time now, I still can't get over how cute Julie's and Ashton's relationship really is.

I admire how they always look out and protect each other, like how Ashton drove all the way here just to make sure Julie was okay.

And in return, Julie does the same. Throughout the school day, Julie always motivates Ashton to do his best in school and stay out of trouble.

Repeating what she says on the daily, "the only reason he isn't kicked out is because I would drop kick his behind if he does."

Although they don't get to see each other in person everyday, they always find a way to help each other out.

And I can't help but mention that it truly amazes me how well they fit the stereotypical nerd and bad boy duo.

Julie, who's head is constantly in a book, and Ashton, who somehow finds a new way to get himself in trouble a week.

The perfect duo.

"You got here a little fast, don't you think?" Luke was the first to tease, causing Ashton to look down at his bare wrist as if he had a watch.

"What can I say? I am a guy who values getting to places on time."

"You weren't even invited." Julie says grumpily under her breath, causing Ashton to place a hand over his heart.

"I think my heart just broke."

"That must have hurt."

"It did."

"That's too bad."

"It was your fault."

"Was it?"

"You might need to kiss it better."

"In your dreams."

"A lot of things happen in my dreams, but I don't think I should say since they aren't necessarily PG 13-..."

"Okay!" Ella claps her hands together, stopping Ashton from continuing before this conversation has the chance to escalate.

"Yeah you can't say stuff like that, we got children." Gianna says, pointing towards Damien, Liam, and I, the only juniors in the group.

"Just because we are one grade lower than you it doesn't make us children." Damien argues with a small pout, which only earns him a few awes in return.

"Point proven." Gianna says, patting Damien's shoulder.

"Ahhh, it's so nice being considered one of the adults now." Luke says with a cheeky grin before sticking his tongue out at the three of us.

"Actually that included Damien, Liam, Amber, and Luke. Sorry, I should have specified." Gianna giggles under her breath as Luke glares at her.

"As I recall, I am two months older than you."

"Physically you are older, but I am talking about mentally."

"And what's that supposed to mean?!"

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