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Amber's pov:

"It is so unfair! They are getting in trouble for something they didn't start!" Liam says, clearly pissed off as we walk to our last class of the day.

"I know, it's so wrong, but knowing Tessa, she will change up the story just to purposely make them look bad. It's how she's always been. I don't understand how they haven't caught on by now..."

"Oh I think I know why, her parents are loaded! Daddy's little princess isn't going to be getting in trouble anytime soon as long as her parents are funding some of the school's biggest programs." Liam rolls his eyes, but after a few seconds rolls them a second time once he looks ahead to see Tessa herself, walking out of the principal's office, smirking.

"Yet again, she got away with another thing that was pretty much all her doing." I groan, as Liam links his arm with mine.

I look at him questionably as he mumbles, "Hold me back just incase I try to attack."

"Hey, breathe in, breathe out." I reach up and let his head, because that is what our friendship has come to.

"Is it still illegal to slap someone on school grounds?"

"If it helps, their won't be as much cute guys in jail."

"But I like bad boys."

"You like all boys."

"But like, bad boys are just such turn ons."

"The ones that rob banks and steal cars?"

"Hey, it's not always the personality that matters...."




"But coach, you can't do this, it wasn't our fault!"

I was making my way from the bathroom back to class until I heard a familiar voice coming from inside the principals office.

And then, it came followed by an even more familiar voice that I knew by heart...

My dad.

"Then you should have thought about that before stepping into someone else's argument! Sure you didn't start it, but you two are smart enough to know the rules that were strictly given. Especially around this time of the season." I could almost hear the anger in my dad's voice, but more importantly, the sound of disappointment.

He would be losing his best boxers.

One being the team captain, Luke, and Damien, who was also one of the best on the team.

It's not like my Dad wanted to punish them, he loves them, they've been training with him for so long.

But my dad has to do what he has to do.

If he let them slide, even if the school's punishment wasn't that bad, then what example would he be leading for the rest of the team?

That they can break his rules and still be able to box?

My dad has his rules for a reason.

He wants the best, and most dedicated boxers on his team.

And to do that, he has to show them who's really in charge.

As he would say, "A strong leader is kind and considerate, but aware when it is time to lead their followers."

Without thinking, I walk towards the principals door, listening in more on their conversation.

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