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Amber's Pov:

He didn't admit it, but I could tell that he was angry.

Really angry. 

Damien couldn't even make eye contact with me as he glared out the window with his jaw locked and fists clenched. 

Him finding out that this nurse is most likely related to Annabelle really set him off, and I already know from looking at his facial expressions that he's going to get to the bottom of it. 

One way or another. 

And I wasn't going to stop him. 

Although I was a little nervous about what he would do once I left, I knew I had to trust him. 

He isn't one to make irrational decisions, but because it had something to do with me, I was scared that it would be different this time. 

I just don't want him to get himself hurt.

It was a little awkward leaving his car because I could tell that he was still fuming inside. I know it wasn't directed towards me, but it still made me unsure. 

What was he going to do?

I know for a fact that he wasn't going straight back to his house.

So I could only fake a smile and wave to him once he pulled out of my driveway.

Please don't do something stupid. 


"He did something stupid." I say to Liam as I look around the hallway with a frown on my face.

He rolls his eyes at my behavior and puts a hand on my shoulder, "I'm sure Damien is fine, he probably just over slept. Everyone has those days."

Although his response was aimed to make me feel better, it does the exact opposite, "That man sets like eight alarms before bed. I doubt he overslept." 

Damien is that one person who is always on top of things. He always knows what homework is due, what day the test is, and what is happening in every single one of his subjects.

Accidently missing a day of school is NOT in his vocabulary.

And that is what made me nervous.

Well, also the fact that he simply doesn't know what the purpose of a phone is!

I sent him a good morning text...

He didn't answer.

Then I sent him a how are you text...

He didn't answer. 

And then I sent him a where are you text...

And guess what?

He didn't answer. 

Not only did he not answer, but he didn't even read them.

Which worries me because he is normally great at answering his phone. 

I just want to know if he made it home safe last night. I wish I would have asked him to text me when he got home, that would have made me feel a lot better. 

Walking to my third class, I again look down at my phone to see if he responded, and I am left with the same thing...


"You need to quit worrying, you are going to give yourself wrinkles." Liam says, pointing towards my forward.

Covering my forehead, I give him a glare.

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