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Damien's pov:

Gathering my stuff together, I walk out of the locker room to be meant with the worried eyes of Amber.

She's cute.

"Hey are you guys okay? I saw how my dad made you three do all those pushups." She says, coming over and taking my practice bag off my shoulder and putting it on her own, noticing how tired I looked.

After the whole...

You know...

Liam freaking out about the kiss and Coach making us do sixty pushups...

He thought that by us goofing around, we were slacking off so he made practice a bit more difficult... to say the least.

And let's just say that the rest of our teammates weren't too happy about that.

It wasn't hard to miss the dirty looks given our way every time coach would give us something harder to do.

But I know I shouldn't be upset by it because I probably would feel the same way if it was one of them who made practice harder on an easy day.

"We're okay, and you don't have too-..." I try to take my bag back from her, feeling bad for her having to hold such a heavy thing, but she shakes her head while pushing my hands away.

"I got it, no worries. I don't want you falling over on me now." She grins, adjusting the strap of the bag to make it a little bit more comfortable.

"If you insist... but if it gets to much then let me know, okay?" I ask, earning a playful salute in return.

"Yes Damien, Damien sir." She giggles before playfully ruffling my hair, causing me to whine in return.

"Heyyyyy, I just showered and fixed up my hair." I pout while trying my best to smooth it back down, causing a few more giggles to escape her mouth.

Cute giggles... STOP IT DAMIEN.

"By the way, what was Liam shouting about anyways, I couldn't quite hear-..."

"NOTHIN-... I mean... Uh. I actually can't remember. You know how-... uhm Liam gets. He just... yells out crazy stuff without ANY meaning behind it..." I laugh nervously.

She looks at me with a look of confusion, "Are you sure? Because it looked to me as if he was freaking out over some kind of news-..."

"What!!! No... what would there even be any news about?! I mean.. did you hear anything happen? Because I CERTAINLY DID NOT-..."

"Okay, okay!" She laughs, patting my shoulder in attempt to stop me from sputtering nonsense.

Which in the end just caused an embarrassed blush to form on my cheeks.

I look away from her and back at the mats in attempt to hide my red cheeks, but I doubt that she didn't notice because in no time I hear a small chuckle escape from her lips.

The lips that I almost kissed...


Act normal.

Act normal.

Act normal!!!!!

"So are we ready to head out?" I ask quietly, looking back at her while trying to ignore the previous topic of discussion.

"I'm ready to go." She says, grabbing her backpack and putting it on.

I couldn't help but wince, the fact that my heavy practice back was still on her shoulder and considering that we are juniors and are taking more difficult classes, there is no way that her backpack could be light.

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