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Amber's pov:

Frozen in my spot, I look over at Damien who had a look of confusion on his face.

"What is that?" He questions, making me wince.

Annabelle smirks as I glare up at her from my spot on the ground.

I couldn't decide if I felt more scared, upset, or annoyed by her behavior.

It may be all three.

I knew that she was angry, but this is a whole new level of mean girl. 

I don't understand why she can't just leave us alone, especially Damien. She already put him through enough, at this point, it amazes me that she hasn't gotten the message. 

But seeing her standing here, with the journal in hand, makes me realize that she still believes that there is a way that Damien will forgive her. 

I don't know how she got it, and I don't know if I even WANT to know how she got it. 

I can't recall a time where she was close enough to me to even grab it. 

That's scary. 

But what's even scarier is the thought of her looking through it.

By the looks of it, she definitely did... but I don't want to know how much of it she looked through.

There is A LOT.

And it's embarrassing.

Liam was probably writing names for my great, great, great, great grandchildren by now, how do I explain that?

Of course Liam is Liam and there really is no real explanation for anything he does, but still...

I technically never stopped him. 

"Oh you don't know what this is? What about you Amber, do you recognize this?" She doesn't even try to hide her sickening grin as she shoves the journal in my face, causing a few of its sparkles to fall into my lap. 

Liam isn't going to be too happy about that.

"I do." I wasn't going to lie, I've done too much of that already. Plus, all she has to do was open to the first page to see a page dedicated to its creator, Liam. 

If it has anything to do with Liam, I am obviously involved, we've only been best friends our whole lives. 

"Then why don't you tell him Amber? Tell him how long you've been obsessed with him like a creepy stalker!" 

"Oh I'M a creepy stalker? Says the one who somehow finds out about his family life and lies about it to try and ruin his relationship with his friends!" Her words spark some anger in me and I couldn't help but fight back and defend myself. 

Also, I would be lying if I said that deep down I wasn't still angry about her making Damien cry when she caused that argument between him and Luke. 

It takes skill to push my buttons and make me angry, and she has somehow done it. 

"Well it wasn't fair that you got to know about his sister when there are more people that care about Damien's well being."

"Like you?" I couldn't help but laugh. 

Her hands ball up into fists, "Stop making me look crazy!"

"You are making yourself look crazy, you are the one who approached us seeking Damien's attention. You haven't even been here for a month and you are already possessive over someone whom you barely know." I say, crossing my arms over my chest. It is quite concerning though, I don't even want to know what she may have been like to her past crushes. 

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