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Amber's pov:

"Let's go!!!!" Damien whines, almost pulling my arm off as I laugh, hanging onto my locker for support from falling over.

"Wait!!! I'm trying to find the pencil that I lost in my locker!!!" I pout, again lifting up my stack of books for the third time like it would just appear out of nowhere.

He groans, "I'll give you one of mine!!! Now come before I throw you over my shoulder."

"You wouldn't." I give him a challenging look, to which he returns.

"Oh I would. You don't come between a teenage boy and his lunch time." He says, inching closer as I shrink back from his imitating, but playful stare.

"Oh really?" I knew I was just digging myself in a deeper hole as he gives me a wild grin before placing his hands on my waist, getting ready to throw me over his shoulder.

Oh shoot, he really wasn't kidding.

"Okay, okay!" I laugh, quickly pushing him away before shutting my locker.

"Told you I wasn't kidding." He says matter of factly, while I on the other hand just nod my head at his words, knowing he was right.

"Now come on!" He again takes my arm, but this time, he rushes me all the way to the cafeteria, earning us a few curious stares from lurking students in the hallway.

"Jeez slow down!!! I think my arm is about to pop out of its socket." I joke, and even though I couldn't see his face, I could imagine him playfully rolling his eyes, his mind too consumed with the thoughts of eating food.

"Finally!!!!" He says as we enter the cafeteria. I roll my eyes at his dramatic behavior, but I couldn't help but smile at the fact that he wanted to walk to lunch with me, even though it was "important" for him to get to the cafeteria earlier.

"Amber, Damien! What took you guys so long?" I ignore Liam's eyes, already knowing what was going through that mind of his.

And let me just say, his mind is not exactly rated pg 13.

"You can blame Amber for that, she was trying to find a pencil that she dropped in her locker." Damien says, accusingly pointing a finger at me.

"Hey!!! I liked that pencil." I pout, everyone at the table laughs at my expression before Damien and Liam leave for the lunch line, assuming that Luke just couldn't wait to get food.

"I seriously don't understand how people eat that food in the cafeteria. The pizza is barely cooked, the sandwiches have been sitting there for who knows how long, and it's called mystery meat for a reason." Ella says, glancing at her boyfriend in the lunch line before returning back to her own lunch.

"I completely agree. Ashton always told me that it's actually not as bad as it seems, but I refuse to believe him." Julie says, taking a bite out of her sandwich.

"Wait Ella, I actually have a quick question if you don't mind." I say as Ella looks up at me.

"Go ahead."

"I know you were new to the school this year, were you actually home schooled all your life?"

She nods her head, "Yep. Me and Ally, and trust me when I say this, it was pretty rough."

"Oh wow. Did your parents not like public school? Or was it just from a young age?"

Ella takes a sip of her water before answering, "Our parents were pretty protective since are Dad was passed down our great- great grandfathers company. There are people out there who are against the company, basically just because they support an opposing company and want to see theirs succeed. My parents were always worried that Ally or I would get hurt, but in my opinion, they took it too far. But it wasn't until recently that they came to their senses."

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