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Amber's pov:

After everyone agreed to hangout at the cafe that we went to last time, the bell rings, signaling the end lunch.

Sighing, I swing my book bag on my shoulder and pick up my garbage.

"Let me help." Damien says, taking some of the wrappers out of my hand to put on his lunch tray.

"Thank you." I smile, walking beside him to the garbage cans to throw my remaining wrappers away.

Damien throws away his tray before turning towards me, "I'll walk you to class."

"You do that everyday anyways." I tease, earning a poke in the side from him.

"I know, I'm such a gentlemen aren't I?"

"Indeed you are." I giggle.

Walking side by side, we exit the cafeteria and towards my classroom.

"So did you mention the idea of hanging out after school so that we can tell them about-... you know." He tries to hide his smile by biting his lower lip.

The simple action puts my heart into over drive.

He will never understand the effect that he has on me, and I don't plan on telling him because I'm afraid that once he knows, he will do it more often.

I'll have you know I plan on making it past 40 years old, Damien Black. I don't need a heart attack at age 17.

"Yes," I blush, "I wanted to tell them somewhere we won't have nosy students surrounding us in every direction."

"Why not, I would love people to know that I have the most amazing, beautiful, and smart girl-..."

My cheeks turn red as I nudge him away, "Stop... you are so embarrassing" I whine.

He laughs, "You love it."

"Hmmm-... I don't think so."

"Well I-..."

"Hiiiiiii you twooo." I feel an arm around my shoulder as a body squishes its way between Damien and I.

"Oh, it's you." Damien pushes Liam's arm off of his shoulder, but he puts it right back.

"Oh it's you." Liam mocks in a high pitched tone.

Damien glares.

"Any-who, hate to interrupt you guys seconds away from getting down and dirty in the middle of the school hallway, but-..."


"Hey-hey hear me out love birds, I need help with something."

Damien and I share a look before looking back at him.

"With what?" I ask, getting a dramatic sigh in return from him.

"Before I tell you though, promise me that you won't think of me as some weak p*ssy."

"We won't-..."

"It depends." Damien challenges, getting a pinch to the side.

"OW-... ow OKAY!!" Damien whines, holding the spot where Liam pinched him.

"Pinkie promise?" Liam holds out his pinkie for Damien and I to pinkie promise him.

After that, he takes a deep breath before mumbling, "how do you casually tell your crush that you want to hang out with them?"

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