Little Baby Duckling

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Amber's pov:

While setting up the concession stand, including laying out the candy and getting food like hotdogs, pizza, and hamburgers ready, my mind was conflicted on reasons why I was given such curious gazes from Damien's group of friends.

I mean, it would have been fine if they were just looking me because they didn't know who I was.

But it's just the way that they were looking, almost like they were astonished that Damien like... even was talking to a girl.



That can't be the reason, right?


Of course not.

Damien is well liked, kind, handsome, and popular.

And sure, he said he's shy, but that clearly can't be the case. That group of friends was all girls, so I don't understand why they almost seemed...


With those thoughts swirling around in my head, I finish setting up the concession stand rather quickly.

Taking one last deep breath, I clear my thoughts and open the concession with a friendly smile to the first person in line.


"That will be three dollars." I say, giving the man his hot dog.

Yes, it was expensive for a hot dog, but it's concession stand food...

Everything is expensive.

Coming to the realization, I sigh happily that no one else was in line...

For now.

It's been about a half an hour since the match started, and I haven't even had the chance to take a second glance at the ring.

By the looks of it, the people who already went were the one's who I really didn't know, so I was happy about that.

Like I said, I am Liam's number one supporter, other than his parents, I want to watch him win.

I don't know why, but it gives me a feeling of accomplishment when I see him win.

I mean, we are best friends, it's our jobs to make each other happy, it's what best friends are supposed to do.

I just happen to have the best one yet.

Suddenly, someone clears their throat as I quickly look up at the person, but as soon as I did, I recognized them easily, "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. What would you like?"

"It's okay, and I would like three bags of your finest potato chips." She gives me a cheesy smile, while handing me the money.

I take the money from Julie's hand and put it in the register before getting her the bags of potato chips.

"Here." I smile, as she does back.

"Thank you!" But instead of heading back to her seat, she stays there.

"Actually... I wanted to meet you."

"Meet... me?"

"Wait-... no... I-I mean." She stutters, pushing up her glasses before taking a deep breath, "Ahhh sorry, here let me start from the beginning."

She gives me an awkward wave, "Hi, I'm Julie, and if you are getting waves of awkwardness, that is from me."

I couldn't help but laugh at her words, I don't know why but she just had this friendly aura around her, it was weird.

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