Sensei Liam

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"Liam stop~..." I cover my face in embarrassment as he laughs and continues to tease me.

"I'm surprised you guys didn't kiss afterwards, I mean who does't kiss on a date-..."

"It wasn't a date!!!" I argue back, getting a few confused stares from our classmates passing by us as we stand at my locker talking before first period.

The boxing match was on Saturday, which was the day that Damien and I HUNG-OUT.

So safe to say, I thought I would have an extra day to relax before Monday to prepare to be interrogated by Liam.



He showed up to my house at 3:00am...

Sunday morning...


Using a ladder that came from WHO KNOWS WHERE...

Splashed water ONTO my face...

Pushed me OUT of my BED...

JUST so he could ask me about our so called "date."

Let's just say I am not a morning person.

Actually, I am not a 3:00am person.

Which neither is he...

But I guess he was determined, because he made me mention every single little detail of the "date," at such an early hour.

He even laughed when I told him that I fell from ice skating.

But that's pretty reasonable.

Which by the way, I am still in pain from, physically and mentally.

"But seriously, you guys are MEANT to be together, how do you not see that! It's like a two pieced puzzle. The only thing standing in the way is a big ass LEGO block called shyness."


"But~... lucky for you two, you have me, who can push that nasty LEGO block and put you two together."

I squint my eyes at him, "So basically you are playing matchmaker...?"

"Yes." He grins evilly, while I roll my eyes, grabbing a few books out of my locker and shutting it.

"You know, you might meet someone one day and become shy also." I mention, as we begin to walk towards our classes which were pretty near to one another.

"Mhhm... doubt that, I think I'll actually be pretty confident." He smirks, puffing up his chest as I laugh.

"Confident? You'll probably freeze up on the spot, like this!" I stop moving completely, while putting on a silly face between an awkward smile and a nervous one.

"You really see me being like that?" He chuckles as I unfreeze, continuing to walk with him towards our classes.

"Liam I know you better than you know yourself."


"... Liam you know I am too broke for that."

"Oh right, I forgot. How has the broke life been like?"

I jokingly punch the side of his arm, "Hey! I'm too busy to get a job! With helping at the-..."

"I know, I know. You should really be getting money from that, with all the hours that you spend helping out there, you might as well get the internship or something, at least benefit from it."

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