In A Crab Shell

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Amber's pov:

It was Saturday, the day of the big boxing match and I was helping Liam get his stuff together.

We were sitting in one of the rows of seats around the match, waiting for the rest of the team to arrive since we arrived earlier because of my Dad being the coach and all.

I also took it as my chance to tell Liam all that went down in the Principals office, because I would feel bad if he had to hear it from somebody else instead of me.

Plus, he's been worried that all the hard work that the team put in will go to waste since he saw Luke and Damien being led to the principals office and they are the best on the team.

Liam was definitely shocked by what I told him, and he didn't believe me at first since I've always been more on the quieter side, not daring to speak up, especially to the someone like the Principal.

But he soon believed me and I couldn't help but pick up on his excitement as he was practically bouncing around in his seat, awaiting the match to start.

"I feel like I will do good this match, no, I WILL do great." Liam flexes his muscles while I laugh and hit him playfully.

"I'm glad that you are confident, but don't get too full of yourself now."

He gives me a toothy grin, "I can't help it! Even your Dad says I've improved a lot these last couple of practices, it is my time to shine!!"

Boxing is something he really loves, and seeing him so confident in himself in it makes me feel happy.

And now that two of his best teammates are back, his confidence level his higher than ever.

Luke and Damien.

I try not to think about him, but his words still linger in my head.

"Can we be friends?" His words catch me by surprise.

"I'd... love that."

Who knew that after years of crushing on him, I would be able to have a decent conversation...

No a decent DAY with him?

"Earth to Amber?" I get pulled out of my thoughts as Liam looks at me worriedly after snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Sorry, I was thinking."

"You've been doing that a lot lately."

"What, thinking?"

He nods his head, "This whole week you've been spacing out, even in mid conversations. What has been on your mind lately?"

I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know, it's just been a tiring week. I've been helping a lot at the children's hospital lately, I think that has just been draining all of my energy."

Although those words were true, I knew I was missing a key part.


The thing is...

I know we are friends now. He said he trusts me, and he even let me meet his sister even if it was clear that he doesn't do that with just anyone.

And I am not hiding it from Liam. We are best friends, we tell each other everything!

It's just, it's so unclear on what 'friends' is.

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