Silver Platter

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Amber's pov:

"Finally!" I say excitedly as I snuggle myself between the covers of my bed.

I love Liam and all, but you are coming across dangerous territory if you come in between a girl and her bed.

Searching under my covers, I find my blankey tangled underneath the rest of my covers.

What? If you don't have that one blanket that you've had forever that just stands out from the rest then you my friend, are a liar.

I hug the soft material close to my chest as I smile in content at the cozy feeling.

This is nice, how I physically drag myself out of this each morning for a place that I don't even like is beyond me.

Closing my eyes, I find myself drifting off to sleep quite quickly.


I groan into my pillow, hearing the sound of a notification going off from my phone. I feel around my bed to try and find it, but sadly, I come across nothing.

Opening my eyes, I look around my room to realize I left it on my desk on the complete other side of my room.

You know what, it can't be that important anyway. I get a lot of meaningless notifications throughout my day, what is the chance that this one will be important?

I roll over to my other side away from my phone and close my eyes again, getting ready to welcome myself into a peaceful slumber.


"Why!!" I whine, flipping over in my bed to glare at my phone's lit up screen. It's going to bother me if I don't figure out the cause of it.

Two buzz's in a row is way to suspicious.




"Okay, okay!! I'm coming." I say, talking to my phone as if it can actually hear me.

Grabbing my phone, my eyes light up as I see texts from Damien on my screen.

Damien🥰: Hiiiii

Damien🥰: Are you busy?

Damien🥰: I mean if you are then that's okay!!

Damien🥰: But if you aren't... could you come over?

Damien🥰: please.

I feel my heart start to quicken it's pace as I quickly unlock my phone to type a response.

Me: Don't worry I am not busy at all so I can come over :)

Damien🥰: thank you!! I'll send you my address

You know how I said earlier that it's dangerous territory to come between a girl and her bed?

Yeah well that was a lie.

Though I would really be lying if I said that I didn't feel nervous. I hope he isn't over thinking about the fight with Luke.

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