What Is Your Problem

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Amber's pov:

"Honestly, it could have been worse." Damien says, opening the door for me as we walk out of the nurses office.

I shoot him a small glare, "Worse? Liam FAINTED."

It feels like only a couple seconds ago that Damien kissed me, causing Liam to freak out and completely PASS OUT on the floor of the library.

We would be lying if we said we didn't think that he faked it because in all honestly, I thought he was just being... well... Liam.

But after two full water bottles, a slap in the face, and a threat that we would tell Julie about "Zaddy" did we realize that he was not faking it.

In fact, he was out, out.

You know, I came up with a lot of scenarios last night on how Liam would react when I tell him that Damien and I are now dating.

And by a lot, I mean A LOT.

For instance, I imagined him freaking out, running to the principles office, grabbing the speaker that is used for the morning announcements, and then proceeding to over share his excitement for us while we hide ourselves in a bathroom stall out of embarrassment.

Then of course, he would get suspended for about 4 days, fall behind in all his classes, he would come to my house to complain about our Science teacher and then probably almost burn down my kitchen... again.


For some reason, that seemed more realistic than just fainting.

But safe to say, the school nurse, the librarian, and the vice principal were not amused.

"-...And? The only thing I'm surprised about is that he lasted a whole 15 seconds before going down, that's way longer than I thought he would last." He snickers.

"Oh? So you wanted him to faint? Is that why you kissed me?" I nudge his arm.

"I mean, that wasn't the only reason I wanted to kiss you." He turns towards me, nibbling on his bottom lip.

"Gosh, who knew you could be such a flirt."

"Don't pretend you don't like it though." He says, before leaning his face closer to mine in attempt to steal a quick kiss, but I push his lips away with my finger.

"Nuh-Uh, you don't get any kisses until Liam wakes up." I poke his chest, causing a pout to make its way onto his lips.

"But-... why?!" He whines, grabbing my finger that was poking his chest to interlock our hands together.

"Because that's what you get for making Liam faint, you couldn't have told him any other way?" I squint my eyes at him accusingly.

He puts his free hand that wasn't holding mine over his chest before sighing dramatically at my comment.


He's lucky he's cute.

"Okay hold on, you were the one who was too scared to tell him in the first place, so really you can't be mad at me for telling him my way." He says, matter of factly.

I know we are dating now but that is not stopping me from throwing him out the window.

"Yeah but I didn't-... you are annoying." I scrunch my nose at him, to which he bops it.

"Sorry baby." He swings our hands back and forth as I blush at the nickname.

I don't think I will ever be able to get used to hearing that.

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