Chapter 4 : frustrated

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Me and Soobin oppa started to go home while jamming to music.

"Soobin oppa?" I asked him but stopped talking cu'z of my dumb fucking brain that forgot to function forgot what i was about to ask

"Hmm?" He answered while looking at me

"Ahhh...nothing i forgot what to say haha silly me" i said giggling a little earning a chuckle from the oldest.

Me and oppa are still walking home still singing earning stares from random people we passed by, haha. They may think were psycho's or teens that lost it's minds.


"Ahhhhh I'm so tired" i shouted while plopping my self at the couch throwing my bag at the table but because of my stupidity it landed at the floor. I'm to tired to stand up and get it.

"Y/N you know before when your tired you alwa---" a female voice said making her body alarmed making me jump up from the couch.

"Soobin oppa! wait for me where are you?" I shouted at him through the hallway and run towards him leaving her at the leaving room.

"Why are you shouting my ears hurts you know" he said dramatically covering his ears by his hands, i just rolled my eyes at him

"I'm not in the mood, so shut up!" I shouted making him shook and widen his eyes

"You know I'm still older than you right" he said holding my shoulder with scarry eyes but, i just ignored him and whipped his hands out of my shoulder and ran to my room locking it.

I teared up why does she even have to comeback! My life was totally fine not until she came back ugh! I hate her

"I HATE HER!" i shouted letting all my frustrations out of my room.

I keep on walking back in forth cursing at her then i saw the teddy bear she gave me before. I took it and looked at it at fist, it is a pretty teddy but whenever i look at it, it always reminds me of her. I punched it, kick, throw, even got a hammer smashing its cute face....WAIT! What have i done? i looked at the now broken toy it's already teared into pieces.

I just stared at it for a moment then realized what i did, *sigh* i just cried at my bed crying at my pillow and screaming on it why is this happening to me? What did i do at my past life that i have to suffer like this!?. Those questions lingers to my head again ang again making me dizzy.

Soon i dozed off with dry tears at my face


i woke up with a groan ugh! My head hurts what the heck happened? My room is a total mess. What time is it? I thought letting out a gasp and put my hand to my mouth. I look at my alarm clock and wow lucky me 5AM in the fucking morning well i'm early.

I went downstairs to make breakfast I'm still not in the mood for anything fun im just hungry i skipped dinner cause of my fucking drama well fuck!

I finish cooking pancakes one of my favorites...yum ! I exclaimed to myself mesmerized by my cooking i could be a chef now. I chuckle at the thought.

I started eating the whole thing and went back to my room to fix myself and go to school.

I just finished showering i'm already brushing my teeth....there all done.

I wrote a note for oppa to read later when he call me

Dears Soobinie Pabo

Yah! Oppa i was up at 5AM and i already ate breakfast and go to school early because im already bored here waiting inside the house for you to wake up so im leaving bye.

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