Chapter 29 : tomato

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Jay's POV

"The heck they look like little kids" i mumble looking at the two dorks running around the room

"They are kids stop complaining grandpa" i heard sunghoon say chuckling and started walking behind Heeseung for protection

"Wait... The both of you have the same age so that means i have two grandpa's?" Chirped Y/N that was looking at sunghoon raising both of her eyebrows while smiling innocently.

"What the- but I'm still younger than him! That doesn't count!" Sunghoon yelled and started pointing at me, i looked at him in disgust cause he keeps on blaming me.

"Ohh please... Come on Y/N let's finish this damn project" grabbing her arm i lead the way to my room locking it for them.not yo enter and interrupt us.

"Yahh! Stop dragging me will you? She said getting her hand from mine that's locking it.

"Why? You still wanna play downstairs? Then let's finish it as fast as we can" i went to a box that has all my supplies for the project and took some different kind of pens mostly used for calligraphy, some colored papers, stickers and many more actually it wasn't really like a scrapbook, it's like a photo book bit you have to be artistic and need to put some writing's and descriptions on it.

"You said you wanna wright the description, then do it now" giving her the pen she nodded and went back to the table and started writing she was really focused on what she's doing right now, i went by her side and started cutting the excess keeping it neat and clean.

"Is this okay?" I heard Y/N chime i looked at her work, impressive she does has skills in calligraphy, she has a pretty hand writing i guess if i was the one who wrote she would regret it that she made me.

"That's cool" i replied and went back to cutting the photos not minding her.

"You know you're so not fun" She said and pouted at me giving me those puppy eyes. O tried to avoid her gaze by focusing on the photo I'm still not done cutting, but she won't stop i heard her sigh and pursed her lips together and started writing again. I gotta admit she was cute earlier not lying

"What do you mean I'm not fun?"

"Because you're a short tempered person, also you keep on ruining the fun!" She burst frowning and knitting her brows, now what's wrong with this girl now? She has a sudden mood change haha it's funny.

I suddenly burst into laughter


"Why are you laughing? Are you loosing your mind?" She said rolling her eyes on me and started getting the photos gluing it and putting it on the album.

"You should write something here your experience or what you feel, something like that" she said and pointed at where i should write i nodded and we changed places. She's now the one cutting the photos and I'm the one that's going to write on the album.

3rd person's POV

While the two are on Jay's room doing they're project the other boy's are also downstairs minding their own business.

"Jungwon, I'm curious about this" heeseung blurtered sitting beside jungwon on the couch at the corner of the room

"What is it hyung?" Asked the younger boy and looked at his hyung with a confused expression.

"About earlier when you suddenly became shy and red, then started laughing" the older boy answered. Jungwon sighed softly and started a voiding his hyung's gaze.

"Y-you know th-hat i do-ont like b-being comp-plimented" Stuttered as Jungwon said those words hiding his sudden blush the dimple boy started looking around trying not to make it obvious that he was lying.

Roller Coaster Ride // Enhypen Jay x Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now