Chapter 33 : test

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3rd person's POV

"Hurry up guy's we're leaving!" Yelled Jungwon that's already at the front door waiting for the others to finish.

"Here!" Yelled niki who ran fast and stood next to Jungwon

"Hurry up!" Yelled jake that's third and went near Jay's car getting ready to ride.

"Who's driving?" Asked Sunoo

"Of course me! It's my car anyways" said Jay showing the key on his hand to sunoo, the boy only nodded his head at the older.

"Sorry i only thought that Heeseung will drive" the fox eyed boy replied for his defense, while the tall one rolled his eyes at how annoying his friends are.

"Hop on everyone" he said opening the door of his car and entered holding the steering wheel and started the car.

It was a long way Jay dropped and waited for everyone. They all agreed that Jay will stop at thier homes one by one and wait for them to get ready for all of them to go to school together.


"I'll stop here" Y/N suddenly said making all head turns to her except for jay who focused on the road. Jay then stoped the car as he heard the girl.

"Why though? It's still far from school" Jake said looking at Y/N with a questionable look he wasn't pleased by you getting of the car and walk to school.

"It's fine I'll just walk okay, I'll go now bye" Y/N said getting down from the car and before she started walking she first waved at all of them and gave a sweet eye smile to them that could make their day pretty.

With that Y/N started walking to school and the boy's started to drove off they couldn't convince the girl to stay with them but they couldn't force her.


I've decided to walk rather than go with the boy's because I'm afraid of girl's hurting me again like last time, I don't want to be the center of attention, the eyes their glares that suffocates me.

I'm now in front of the gate and entered the school as normal but my eyes caught a glimpse of the boy's looking at me well except for Jay he was looking at the other student's, also they look like their waiting for me i was about to go to them when...

"Y/N!" I heard a familiar voice shouted i looked at my back to spot ITZY running towards my direction.

"Hello~" i chirped waiving my hand at them they we're smiling brightly at me.

"Haha it's been a while right?" Lia eonnie said as she put her hand over my shoulders.

"Yeah it was" smiling at her making my cheeks a little big.

"Ahhh!" I yelled as Yeji eonnie pinched my cheeks smiling widely because of happiness. Why are they so happy?

"Cute" i heard Yuna eonnie said also smiling widely at me.

"Yahh! Stop it eonnie! It hurts" walking backwards while she's still holding onto my cheeks i swear it already hurts like hell

"Yeji eonnie, stop that Y/N's already turning red hahaha" Chaeryoung's voice ranged through our ears that made Yeji eonnie stop from squishing the life out of my cheeks, it's so painful.

"Y/N you look like a cherry now, a cute and pretty one" Yeji said winking at me as they began laughing and i started pouting while rubbing my now redden cheeks.

"I'm not!" I yelled

"Haha, yes you are now come on" ryujin said and clinged onto my arm and started dragging me and Yuna's classroom.

"We're here it's goodbye again, we'll eat together at lunch okay" lia Said as she gave me and yuna a flying kiss

"Bye babies~" chaeyoung said hugging the both of us and ran with the others. Are they turning gay for the both of us?

"Come on Y/N haha, sorry for them maybe their high" Yuna said making me chuckle. She really loves making fun of the eonnie when they're not around.

"Yeah i think so too" i replied and we high five and started walking to our assigned seat.


"Okay class hand you're projects and put it on the desk, I'll be checking and rating it later after class I'll post the results on the bulletin board on the hallway" our teacher said as she pointed at the hallway outside.

Most of the students stood up and went to go putting all of their projects on the table. I looked at Jay's seat and he wasn't their but ended up seeing him putting our project on the table already.

"Okay is that all? Then let's start the class get your paper and pens we're having a test" the professor announced, omg I'm not ready I haven't studied anything! My eyes widen and started starring at my paper.

"I'm doomed" i whispered only i can hear

"Okay first what are the blah, blah, blah"


"Hey what score did you get Y/N?" Yuna asked running towards my seat.

"Well it's a 40 item test and I'm just uhh... 31" i said disappointed at my own grades stupid me i didn't really expected that we will have a surprise test, well it's a SURPRISE it wouldn't be called surprise test if the teacher spilled the tea.

"Lucky you dummy, I'm only 25!" Yuna said looking at her paper in disbelief.

"Y/N what score did you get?" Asked Sunoo who came towards my seat followed by the six that's trailing behind him.

"I'm not so lucky now and i only got 31 I didn't get to study yesterday" pouting a little at my own statement i wasn't really satisfied with it.

"It's okay" he replied patting my shoulders.

"What about you?" I asked tilting my head a little to the side

"I only got 45" he replied scratching his nape

"Yahh! Lucky you you got 45 only 5 mistakes" i said pushing his shoulders lightly as he laughed at my reaction.

"Hahaha you'll al-" he was cutt off by chaeryoung yelling at the hallways and getting near our room (sorry chaeng, haha i love you)

"You I'm so excited by the upcoming contest! Ahh! I can't wait!" Chaeryoung exclaimed

"Eonnies what contest?" Asked Yuna who's already at the door waiting for them while i just stayed their listening to them.

"Y/N! Have you heard about the contest?" Ryujin eonnie said walking towards me.

"What contest?" I asked totally clueless of what's going to happen

"Ohh you still don't know" said lia eonnie and looked at Yeji.

"Why?" Asked Yeji who's explaining to yuna about the contest.

"Explain!" The both of them exclaimed

"Why me!?" Asked Yeji and held her chest widening her eyes

"Because they aren't good at explaining....neither do i" chaeryoung answered and yeji signed in defeat by her younger best friends i only chuckle at them.

I looked at my back to see that the boy's had already left well that was smooth I didn't even get to notice.

"Well there's an upcoming competition at the end of the month and there's group's for girls and boys but just the same categories. It's boy's vs boy's and girl's vs girl's" Yeji said without breathing she's indeed a rapper if i may say.

"Haha are you planning to join Y/N?" Yuna asked as she shaked my shoulders.

"I'll think about that" i replied to her smiling.

"Okay goodie goodie!" Lia said making some small jumps.


"Lets go get lunch?" Asked ryujin and we nodded at the same time heading to the cafeteria

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