Chapter 26: ice cream

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"Where are we going now?" I asked Jay as we went out of the restaurant and walking to where his car was parked.

"Try thinking of something" he replied and went inside the car buckling his seatbelt.

"How about we go to the park? To get some fresh air or something" i suggested making him hum and nod indicating yes.

I just clapped my hand and went inside the car buckling my seatbelt


"It's a little hot here don't you think?" I asked Jay and started fanning my face were now sitting in the bench under a tree. The wether is really hot also the sun's burning my skin.

"It's hot...your sitting next to me that's why" he said confidently and smirked at me. Is he trying to annoy me again? Cause if he is well i just wanna rip his head off and feed it to the duck's if it could fit into thier beak.

"You know what Park Jongseong your really arrogant and it's pretty annoying" rolling my eyes at him

"Is that so? Thank you then, I'll take that as a compliment" he replied to me standing up and doing some small bows to me smirking.

"You know i really wanna puch you right now... But sadly I don't wanna get accused on hurting an animal like you" giving him a sarcastic smile, i stood up from my seat and went to a near ice cream store, with Jay catching up from my back.

"Wait up!" He yelled i just laughed at him a little

"What can i get you both?" The girl at the counter asked while smiling widely at us. She was indeed cute to be honest.

"Umm... (Flavor of ice cream) please" i said
"I'll take one vanilla thank you" Jay added and nod his head

The girl nodded and prepared the ice cream that we ordered

3rd Person's POV

You and Jay took a seat outside the ice cream store and waited for your orders to come though it only took some minutes. Licking your ice creams Jay and you started discussing about the project.

"So where are we going to do the project? We already have some polaroids here also other pictures that just need to be printed"

"I know...what about my house?" Jay replied

"Okay then your house it is" you said while licking the ice cream and scrolling on instagram.

"I think we should go home now" Jay said looking at his wrist watch "it's already 4pm we've been out for so long now" he added.

You just nodded at him convinced, the both of you were already taking too much time outside and it took most of your time. The both of you left the store and once again heading to Jay's car. While walking you tripped over something because of you're clumsieness.
Waiting for you to hit the hard ground, closing your eyes waiting for the impact but nothing came. The only thing you felt was something wrapped around your waist preventing you to fall and get hurt.

Opening your eyes and met Jay's soft orbs it was really captivating if you must say, Jay also took the chance to check out your simple but beautiful features. He was already mesmerized by your natural beauty. But then it hit the both of you like a train that's running on full speed the both of you straighten yourselves making everything awkward for the both of you.

A hint of blush covering your cheeks making it slightly pinkish trying to hide the blush you covered your face with your hair and looked down at your feet. Meanwhile Jay suddenly became stiff and for some seconds went back to reality, clearing his throat the both of you continued walking and finally entered Jay's car.

"That was kinda awkward earlier but thanks anyways" you said lowering your head not wanting Jay to see your still pinkish cheeks because of the scene earlier.
That exact same scene keeps on repeating inside of your head. How you wish you could erase it but sadly you can't.

Jay started driving focusing on the road not wanting to hit or get hit by something. But also taking small glances at you, seeing you already asleep made him let out small giggle not knowing why, but he felt something tingling inside of his stomach. Maybe some butterflies flying and roaming around his tummy? He ain't sure about that.


Finally reaching your destination which is your house Jay parked the car and looked at you hoping that your already awake but you were still dead asleep. He sigh as he didn't wanna ruin your slumber but sadly he have to. Lightly shacking your figure to wake you up was a success but loud groan's escaped from her mouth. Stretching tour arms up finally getting a clear view and saw that your already infront of your beloved home.

"Ohh... I didn't expect that the ride would be this short" you said chuckling at the words that came Out of your mouth.

"Well it was kinda long you just fallen asleep that's why" "really? I didn't really expect that" you replied to Jay's sentence and only getting a good "yeah" from him. Opening the car door you went out and started dusting the imaginary dust at your butt. "Well let's put everything together tomorrow it's sunday anyways Also i have nothing to do" you said to Jay.

"Sure let's do it tommorow, I'll pick you up at 10. Also I'll be leaving now" with those words Jay started the engine and drove away not making you say goodbye to him

"Well bye then" you mumble looking at the direction where he went and turned around looking at the door. Putting your hand on the doorknob opening it to see your mom and soobin on the leaving room watching TV while eating popcorn.

"What's up?" You greeted and sat next to soobin at the couch and took some popcorn troughing it inside your mouth.

"The ceiling, just kidding just watching a movie wanna join?" Soobin answers and offers more popcorn to you, not wanting to waste the opportunity for free food you took some and started eating while watching the movie.


The movie you were watching has now come to an end you were about to leave and go to your room but then Soobin called you


"Wae?" You replied

"Where were you the whole day?" Soobin asked drinking a cup of water while leaning on the counter

"Just did some project with someone" you replied palms started to sweat, it look's like you were nervous together with your now sweating forehead you took the chance to leave the room and went upstairs

As you change into a much more comfortable clothes you laid on your bed. The scene earlier repeated on your head, Jay's hand wrapped around your waist preventing you to fall. It made you wanna squeal not knowing why, you keep on pushing away or much more like forgetting that scene you just can't. So you just laid their and started overthinking of somethings, at sometime you were already getting bored. Your eyes felt heavy also yawning multiple times already, shutting your eyes everything went black and you had already drifted to dreamland enjoying the rest of the night

Roller Coaster Ride // Enhypen Jay x Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now