Chapter 27 : Jay's house

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"Ahh!" I shouted as i walked around the house the scene of Jay keeps on replaying inside my head. I keep on picturing it again and again, I don't know how to forget it.

"Why are you shouting early in the morning?" Asked mom as we crossed path at the kitchen. "Going somewhere?" She added looking at me from head to toe.

"Well the project is still not finish and we have to finish it" i answered and drank some water.

"Okay here i already cooked breakfast come and eat" mom said as she placed a plate on the table.

"Mom you know that i can take care of myself" i said to her pursing my lips at the end of my sentence.

"I know but i wanna take care of the both of you, I don't wanna regret not doing so when the time comes" Mom replied

"What do you mean, "when the time comes"?" I asked her wishing that it's just something like when she gets old or become weak to the point that we are the ones who will take care of her.

"The time of my death sweety" with those words escaping from her lips, she smiled bitterly at me making me sad at the thought of my mom dying because of the illness she has.

"Mom i think it's going to happen when I'm already old" i said lightening the mood and make her believe that she'll live longer. I don't want her to die early

"Haha, just start eating" she said and went out of the kitchen leaving me here alone. I just obeyed what she said.


I went to the leaving room and started reading some random book I'm already getting bored, i wonder where soobin oppa is then i saw mom walking towards the couch and got the remote turning the TV on.

"Mom where is Soobin oppa?" I asked her

"Ohh he's with he's friend's he left an hour before you went downstairs" she answered i nodded at him

"Wow when it comes to hangouts he always wake up early, but when I'm the one waking him up to eat breakfast at weekend's he won't wake up. How unfair he is!"


The sound of our doorbell rang i then stared at the door for a couple of seconds and stood up brushing the invisible dust on my Pants. I walked to the door and opened it to see Jay all dressed.

"Ohh Jay your early" i said waiving a hand at him.

"Early? What the... It's already 10:12am, you call this early?" He said flicking my forehead

"Wahh! It hurts stupid! Also really? It's already 10 I didn't know that" i said rubbing the spot where he flicked.

"Yeah now get your thing's so we can leave"  Jay said

"Yeah, yeah" i replied and took my thing's at the chair I'm sitting on earlier.

"Mom! I'm going now" i yelled she responds with a "okay" i went out of the door closing it following Jay to his car.

I went inside and buckled my seatbelt. It was a little awkward we didn't utter a word and just stared at the road.

I looked at him and he was busy driving and  went back from looking at the road, the scene that happened yesterday replayed to my mind again as i felt my cheeks burning. I'm guessing it's in the shade of pink now. What is wrong with me!? Ahhh! He was just saving me yesterday from falling, it's not a big deal! But why am i so affected?

Those thoughts keeps on replaying in my mind the word “why am i so affected” it was true it wasn't a big deal yet I count get over it. What am i suppose to do!?

Roller Coaster Ride // Enhypen Jay x Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now