chapter 20 : project

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"good morning world!" Y/N exclaimed waking up from her lovely nap.

With that she took a shower and brushed her teeth.

She decided to wear her school uniform (A/n: sorry I don't have a pic for the uniform I'm really sorry:)) then she headed downstairs.

"Hi Mom good morning" she greeted her mom while kissing her cheek's.

"So how's your slumber sweetheart?" Her mom said while drinking a cup of water.

"Well as usual i feel asleep and wake up the got ready for school that's all" i said to Mom and i heard her chuckle

"Aren't you going to eat breakfast?" Mom put a plate with pancakes on the table

"No I don't have the appetite. I'll just eat later" i took my bag and went to the front door

"Bye mom! Love you!" I shouted from the door

"Bye love you too sweetie!" She shouted back at me and i went to school


"So Y/N, what's your plan with jay?" She asked while getting some book's at her locker

"I don't know Yuna eonnie, i guess I'll just go with the flow?" I said a little bit questioning.

"Okay?" She replied i could tell she's confused

"Come on before the bell rings" i said locking my locker and walked to class.


"Okay, good morning class" Mrs. Kim entered and put her belongings on her desk.

We all stood up

"Good morning Mrs. Kim"

"You may seat down" she said while gesturing us to sit down.

"So today were gonna discuss about blah, blah, blah"

"Hey Y/N wanna hangout later?" Jungwon asked while leaning on my desk.

"Hmm. Why not? It's been a while" i smiled at him.

He returned the smile showing his cute dimples

"Yes! We're going shopping later okay" Jungwon just gave me a thumbs up and i just nodded at him.

"When are you going to start your project with heeseung?" I questioned him.

"We still have no plans for that" he replied

I just gave him a nod and looked at the board again

Then i just decided to take a small nap.


"Hey Y/N it's lunch time" i heard a voice said.

"Already?" I asked with my a little raspy voice.

"Heck! Your voice is raspier than heeseung hyung every time he wakes up" said niki who was laughing a little.

"Well whenever Y/N wakes up from her slumber her voice would become so raspy or husky. And after an hour it would be back to her normal voice" Jungwon assured them they just nodded while i was here packing my thing's.

"Any plans?" Asked Jay who was next to me.

I just look at him a little startled by his presence who's next to me.

"You startled me!" I exclaimed looking away from him.

"I'm not here to flirt or anything, I'm here to ask what's the plan for our project" he said in a monotone and just stared at me.

Roller Coaster Ride // Enhypen Jay x Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now