Chapter 32 : half naked

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I was woken up by the sunlight through the window as i remembered that i wasn't in my house. The rain already stoped the sidewalks were wet together with the leaves. I stood up fixing myself trying to look clean and neat, i fixed the bed folding the blanket and went downstairs closing the door.

Walking through the huge hallway of Jay's house looking at the white painted wall and some portraits and photos hanged in the wall, even the frames are pretty and expensive.

I went to the kitchen to be greeted by all of the except for Jay.

"Good morning, how's your sleep?" Smiling at me Jungwon's dimples appears at his cheeks i smiled back and nodded at him.

"Thank you for yesterday wonnie" you said hugging him, the both of you are already used to hugging each other and holding hands because you've been doing this since the both of you were still little so it's nothing new.

"It's okay, i know your afraid of thunders and lighting's" Jungwon said patting the top of my head.

I smiled as a reply to him then i remembered that my phone was on Jay's bedroom. I widen my eyes and quickly sprinted to his room.

I'm already infront of Jay's door I've been knocking for 5 times already and still no reply. I held the knob and twisted it and it opened, maybe he forgot to lock it or something. I went inside and searched for my phone he's not inside though so i took the chance to do so.

I looked at the study table where we were working yesterday and finally i spotted it, i grabbed it and about to leave but i heard the door open and got closed turning around widening my eyes at what i just saw. Jay with a towel wrapped at his waist water dripping from his hair he was half naked probably took a shower.

Gasping and quickly covered my eyes as i saw him i turn around again making my way to the front door using my senses. It was really embarrassing my face is heating up again.

"YAHH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING INSIDE MY ROOM!" i heard him yell at the back while i pretend that i hear nothing and proceed my way to the front door.

"I know you can hear me dummy" he said holding my wrist making me stumble and look at him accidentally my face redden even more seeing him half naked and this close i can already feel his hot breath on my face.

"Uhh- i h-have t-to ta-ake my p-phone yeah,  m-my p-phone" i said showing him my phone but he only smirked at me.

"Is that so?" He said seductively his husky voice making it a lot sexier than normal.

"Y-yeah" stuttering on my words i really need to escape from this jerk. I felt him leaning forward near and nearing me. I felt nervous and began to panic that's when i accidentally pushed him because of my reflexes and turn around rushing on his door opening it, putting my phone inside my pocket and started holding my face.

"What was that all about?" I asked shocked of what just happened, I can still feel the heat from my face.. "ahhh! That is super embarrasing, someone please save me" i thought clutching onto my heart feeling the beat. It's beating really fast OmO.

I fanned my face walking downstairs acting like nothing happened.

"Y/N, Jay food's ready!!!" Sunghoon yelled from the dining room. I ran downstairs trying to avoid Jay also to be there first so they won't think of something weird.

"Y/N slowdown you're going to hurt yourself" said heeseung

"Have you seen Jay?" Asked Sunoo while munching on his bread cutely he's cheeks are full it look's so squishy!

"Umm.. n-no" i answered

"Lier!" I heard at my back i suddenly froze on my spot. I don't know it's like my body just stoped functioning i started recalling what happened earlier omg.

"What do you mean hyung?" Asked sunoo

"She saw me on the hallways earlier" he said smirking at me wiggling his eyebrows okay he is hella annoying i swear.

"Stop it!" Yelling at him i ran down the stairs and making my way to the dining room leaving Jay chuckling their.


Heeseung's POV

Y/N already left the stairway and Jay's just their standing looking at me and me looking at him with a not so convinced look, wait are we having a staring contest? I don't think he'll win.

"Hey, I'm not so convinced about what you said earlier" i said to him my lips forming into a small smirk i eyed him and i also saw his lips curving into a smirk and tried going back to his natural look.

"Nothing hyung, you don't need to know. Let's go?" He said smiling at me and started walking to the dinner's. I just shook my head from left to right and let a small chuckle escape from my mouth following him at the back, Sunoo already left when Y/N walked out.

We sat on the table already eating.

"Jay, can you drop me home?" Asked Y/N not making eye contact with Jay, what's going on with this two?

"Sure" he simply answered again a small smirk visible on his lips i guess the others didn't noticed it.

"Y/N, we're all going to school together don't worry. Also we're using Jay's car" said Niki trying to annoy Jay he really love teasing him.

"Why mine!? I don't want stupid dumbasses on my car nope!" He yelled letting go of his chopsticks and making an 'x' sign with his hands.

I laughed at them.

"HAHAHA Of course it should be yours, because this is you're house you need to take us all home" i replied playing along with Niki, i swear he's going to complain about ruing his morning along the ride haha.

"It's your fault all of you cam here without my permission" he defended rolling his eyes putting meat on his mouth.

"Who cares about permission grandpa!" Yelled Sunghoon joining the game we all laughed at his statement while laughing i took a glance of Y/N, she was also laughing but not avoiding her food. She's just looking at it... what's wrong with her?

I brushed off the nonsense thought off my head and looking at Jay again.

"Sunghoon! We have the same age, don't you dare call me grandpa!" He yelled back his eyes already widening at all of us teasing him.

"Well I'm the maknae of the 02'z so it doesn't counts" he replied smirking at Jay i just laughed at them hahhaa.


"Fine" he finally agreed to us joining the car ride yes! Finally don't need to call a cab.

Roller Coaster Ride // Enhypen Jay x Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now