Chapter 31 : thunder and lighting

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"The rain is so strong, also how could i manage sleeping with seven boys?"

"Dinner's ready!" Yelled Jay putting the food on the dining table. I never new that this arrogant bird could cook.

"Yey! Food" i heard Sunoo yell and started running to Jay's direction leaving all of us their just looking at him that's exited.

"He really loves food that much?" Words came out of my mouth that's supposed to be my thought, why did i spilled it?

"Yeah, haha he really loves food more than anything else" Sunghoon answered as he was near me and i guess my voice ain't that audible because he's the only one who heard. Only you and sunghoon were left at the living room

"Haha that's kinda cute" you said silently and stood up to follow the other's that already left

"you coming or not?" Stopping from my tracks and turned around to face him looking at my direction, raising my eyebrows at him sassily.

"Haha, okay I'm coming" i heard him said, as he stood up from his seat and followed me.

3rd person's POV

"Y/N you're also staying here?" Jay said as he looked at the girls direction, he wasn't really used seeing a girl wondering around his house.

"Well kinda, i mean the rain is still pouring heavily it would be very challenging to get a cab right?" She answered smiling awkwardly at the taller boy, Jay only nodded at her statement sitting down on his chair.

"Are you going to stand there or sit and eat?" Jay asked raising his left eyebrow.

"Ohh, Yes I'm sorry about that" the girl replied making her way between Heeseung and Niki.

"Y/N where are you going to sleep?" Asked Jungwon out of the blues as he put a piece of meat inside of his mouth chewing it.

"I don't actually know, also Jay aren't you're parents going to get mad at me staying here for the night?" Y/N stated as making eye contact with Jay.

"No, they're not here anyways. They had a business trip to go to so I'm alone here" he replied and continued on eating . Y/N drink's the water from the glass feeling thirsty also a little sad thinking that Jay might be lonely being alone at this huge house.

"Ohh" you only replied putting the glass on the table and started cutting some meat fro you to eat.

"I think you should take the guest room Y/N, me and the boy's will sleep at Jay's room therefore we're separated" Niki beamed licking his lips from the excess sauce on his lips.

"Okay then but will all of yo- wait haha why would i even ask if all of you will fit their? I mean Jay's room is supper huge!" The girl exclaimed letting go of the chopsticks and started making small gestures on how big Jay's room is.

"Stop praising Jay hyung's room and continue eating already! We're almost done and there you are, still cutting the meat" Jungwon scolded Y/N as the girl only pouted at his statement

"Don't worry wonnie your room is still the best" she said teasing Jungwon giving him a thumbs up meanwhile the boy only shook his head not knowing what to do with this girl.

"Yeah, yeah just finish up eating already" the only words that came out of Jungwon's mouth unable to think of another defence to the girls statement.

He knew he couldn't resist her.

Y/N continues to eat together with the others. The first one to leave the table is Jake, he said he was full with the popcorns he ate earlier that's why he only ate a little.

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