Chapter 12 : little date pt.2

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"yeah there not even a couple to act so sweet" Sunghoon said rolling his eyes at the both of you.

Meanwhile the other's are really quiet and observant.

"Sir, miss here's your order enjoy" said the waitress and left both Jungwon and Y/N alone.

"This is the first time i came here again" Y/N said looking at the huge amusement park. With sparkling eyes.

That can make any guy fall into those pairs.

"Well i come here often with the hyung's. But first time again with you. So it was really enjoyable for me" Jungwon said to the girl while smiling really really wide at her.

Like she's the most beautiful thing that ever happened in his life.

"HAHAHA nice to hear then" she said looking around the area while smiling brightly.

But while Y/N was scanning the area there are 7 eyes focused on her and mesmerized by her beauty. They can't seem to not look on you, it's like they're eye's are glued on you, unable to look away.

The 6  are already drooling at your beauty  wishing they were at Jungwon's place.

To have that "little date" with you.


How could this weak girl end up being so mesmerizing? How come i can't get my eyes off her? What is she doing to me?

"She look's so pretty right now, together with her sparkling eyes. A total princess" Sunghoon said while admiring the view of Y/N who's now laughing with Jungwon.

"Tsk. Just look at her face she look's so ugly" i replied to Sunghoon frowning, why? Because how many times will i have to lie to them about her?

I'm so confused right now. I feel mad for Jungwon ditching us for his so called "little date" with weakling, i also feel angry at sunghoon saying Y/N's pretty, then i also feel angry at the boy's looking at her like they saw a princess or something.

But which really confused me the most is why am i...jealous?

Why do i feel jealousy when i see Y/N smiling at Jungwon brightly? Why do i feel this whenever i see Y/N and Jungwon laughing or together?

I'm so lost right now.

"Are they dating?" Asked heeseung who's observing the view of the two who keep on laughing, like there's no tommorow. Do they really hangout like this?

But why am i jealous, when she's just some annoying classmate of mine?

Sunghoon POV

"Why are they like this? They're so clingy" i said while frowning. I admit it! I'm hella jealous right now, how come Jungwon got to hangout with her!

I'm also angry at the other's looking at her while smiling and adoring her pretty and cute figure.

I just clenched my jaw and gritted my teeth still staring at the both of them.


"Jungwon it's already getting dark, shall we go home?" I asked him looking at the sky while it slowly turns dark.

"What time is it by the way?" He asked me tilting his head.

"Umm... Oh! It's already 6pm we better go home we've been here for so long maybe oppa will scold me for taking so long to go home" i said while holding his hand while dragging him.

"Don't worry nothing going to happen to you-" "why?" I cut him off with a question.

"Because your with me, and I'll protect you" he said to me smirking, i just laughed it off.

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