Chapter 11 : little date pt.1

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"Y/N wake up and get ready, breakfast is waiting"

I heard oppa said waking me up from my beauty sleep.

Ever since oppa found out that i was sprained. He keeps on panicking, I don't know why? His the one taking care of me even if i say no. Caring i know.

"Oppa 10 more minutes" i said rolling at the other side of my bed.

"It's already been 30 minutes since you said that" oppa beam's at me, groan.

"Alright! Now leave so i can fix myself"

"Okay hurry up" he said going to the door and closed it.

I started to stand up and went straight to the bathroom to do a quick shower and brushed my teeth.

I'm now at my closet looking for an outfit to wear.

"What should i wear? Skirt, jeans, or leggings?" "Ugh! This is stressing me out" i said while holding my head.

"I'm to tired to deal with this, I'll just go with an oversized hoodie and sweatpants" i mumble while getting a white hoodie and  black sweatpants with white stripes at the corner.

I put on my black shoes, took my backpack and locked my room.

Living room

"Now I'm wondering if Y/N's a girl or a boy" i heard someone said and chuckled

Then i saw TxT well that what they call them selves.

"Oppa you didn't told me you have visitors" i said coming closer to them to eat.

"Well sorry, it was so sudden even i don't know they are coming" oppa said pointing at his friends.

"Yah! Soobin hyung you are so disrespectful! You weren't paying any attention to us" "yeah that's why you didn't know will come here" said taehyun together with Beomgyu who finished the sentence for the younger.

"Will you stop acting like kids? You know right now I'm thinking if your really older than me" i said rolling my eyes at them. "There so childish"  i thought not minding them and sat at the empty chair.

"Well your the only one who looked old here" said taehyun and made them all laugh.

"Wow so funny let me help you laugh HA, HA, HA," i said with so much sarcasm.

"Will you guys shut up already I'm eating breakfast here" said Yeonjun who's munching on the bread.

"Oppa hand me the syrup please" i said pointing at the syrup next to my brother.

"Here hot sauce" "I don't want hot sauce i want chocolate and strawberry syrup" i replied to my stubborn brother.

"Oh please Y/N hot sauce is better" said heuning kai who is shoving the hot sauce next to me.

"Aniyo!(No!) I want chocolate and strawberry syrup" i whined while kicking the table.

"Here you stubborn kid" said beomgyu putting the syrup on my pancakes.

"Well thank you" i said as the table went silent which is good. I could eat peacefully.

We already finished eating and got out of the house locking it.

Were now outside standing near a luxurious car.

"Who's car is it? It look's really expensive" i asked them looking at the car still mesmerized by it's beauty.

"It's mine now hop on before i throw you in" said Taehyun. "Wow this guy's rich. How did oppa manage to find them? His so lucky"    I thought chuckling a little.

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