chapter 18 : banana milk and chocolates

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"hey! Y/N were back!" Exclaimed the five girl's that are rushing towards Y/N's desk

"Eonnie's i could see that" she said to them as they all laughed about it.

"So how's practice?" She asked in curiousity

"As usual boring also tiring" said Ryunjin while huffing and slapped her butt on the seat they just laughed at her once again

"Y/N why do you have bruises? Oh my gosh!" Lia shouted at the poor Y/N

Y/N started covering her face trying her best not to show the bruise.

"I-im fine y-you guy-ys" she said stuttering

"Y/N what the heck happened to you while we are away!?" Chearyoung said holding Y/N's hands

Y/N just shook her head indicating no

"Nothing no need to worry okay I'm fine" she assured them

The the be ranged


"Looks like we have to go now"

"Yeah bye Y/N"

With that the group left the room leaving Yuna and Y/N in it.


"Whoo the heck! That was hella close should've put concealer on it, but i don't have any make up so how could i put concealer on it? Gosh! Y/N are you even a girl!"

"Good morning class, now we have a project that is about to do within 3 week's" the teacher said smiling at us

"I'll be the one who have to assign your partner's" our teacher said while we all just nodded

I sigh a little because of it.

Jezz please pare me with Jungwon or maybe niki, Yuna, Sunoo, Sunghoon, Jake it's up to you

"Okay Yuna and Jungwon...

Then Y/N and Jongseong that's all"

With that i suddenly froze on my seat me and j-jay?

Not a very good combination, i mean he hates me after all, what does God even plan for us? I'm sure Jay would kill me

"You are going to tour around Korea make memories, take pictures, print it out and then make a scrapbook. Put some description on it or describe it or maybe, put what you feel in it the more pictures and the prettiest will be announced the highest score will be exempted for the upcoming exams, Good luck" she said and started looking at her book and scanned some pages

I was just there sitting and trying to process what the heck did i just gotten myself into.


"Hey i could see that you're partner is Jay" Yuna eonnie said to me while were walking to the cafeteria then i saw all of them on one table and ignored them not in the mood to deal with them.

"Yeah i know, how lucky am i" i said. Note the sarcasm i put on

"Don't worry you would be fine" she said assuring me i just nodded at her

"Yeah,...fine my ass before he kills me" i mumble under my breath.

"Hey! Y/N" exclaimed Niki getting up from his seat and walking forward to me.

"Hey what are you doing?" I asked him as he went close to me and held my chin looking at it from left to right

"Uhh, sorry if i cought you off guard. I was just looking at your bruises if it already heald but i didn't" he said to me explaning his actions.

"Yet" i finished the sentence for him which made him laugh.

"Wanna sit with us?" I looked at their table and i could see Jay's shooting dragger's at me.

"Umm no, thank you niki~siii but I'll seat with eonnie's for today i also missed them bye" i said and excused my self and went to Yuna's table

"Hey Y/N what were you and niki talking about?" Yeji eonnie asked me i just gave an awkward laugh.

"Umm nothing much just said hi, hello then he asked if i wanna seat with t-"

"Then why did you decline!" Ryunjin asked and looked at me in total disbelief.

"Wae?" I asked totally confused.

"Ani! Ani! Y/N is still a baby Ryunjin!" Lia exclaimed i just laughed at them my gosh there so childish.

As hell

"Aish! Eonnie! Hajima (stop)" i said to them Slaping there arm softly.

"Umm, hey! Uhh. Y/N nonna somebody want to give you this" a boy said giving me a banana milk and a box of chocolate with a rose on it.

"Thanks? But who's this from?" I asked now getting curious who is this from.

"He told me not to tell you I'm sorry Y/N nonna" he said bowing then took his leave. I just stared at the things i accepted.

"Wow! Y/N has a secret admirer" Yuna said nudging me.

"Y-yah!" I whined at them my cheeks already burning out  of embarrassment

"Look she's blushing!" Exclaimed Lia eonnie then i heard the sound of the camera click.

"Heck who gave you the permission to take an picture of me!?" I then shouted at them

My cheek's got more hotter, i know I'm gonna look like a tomato right now.

"Hahaha Y/N your so cute you're cheeks are so red" Chearyoung chirped. I hid my face using my hands and looking down screaming internally, my hair covering my face.

"You really like to embarrass me don't you?" I asked them, they just keep on laughing at me.

So i have no choice than to laugh with them i guess.

After that laughing session i excused myself that i need to go to the restroom they all nodded in agreement.

I'm now on my way to the restroom when the clumsy me didn't saw the rock and i accidentally tripped on it. While i was waiting for me to land and pain to come, i just closed my eyes.

But noting I didn't feel anything. That's when i decided to open my eyes, and saw heck. It's Jake!!! He was holding my waist preventing me from falling. Our faces are so close to each other i could feel his hot breath in my face.

"You okay Y/N??" He asked i just nodded and stand up.

"Thank you. I don't know what the heck would happen to me if you weren't there" i said to him dusting the invisible dust at my skirt.

"Don't worry, sorry to end this short but i gotta go. See you!" He said and run off.

I just mouthed him a 'good bye' and also went the other way.

I'm now done doing my business. And now I'm walking to the classroom then i saw Soobin oppa in the hallway.

"Y/N!" He shouted and running to me.


"Who was that guy that gave you the banana milk and chocolate with a rose on top?" He said to me

"Well the boy said that the one who gave this doesn't want to show his identity" i said calmly.

"Then what if that boy is the one who really gave it to you and just said it's from another guy? What if his courting you?" He said i just frown at him.

His so protective

"I'll reject him obviously" i said rolling my eyes at him.

"Aish! Go to your class already before you run late" he said pushing me lightly

While i chuckle at his reaction.

(A/n: i edited something's at this chapter also change some errors. To make it clear yuna and jungwon are partner's also sunoo is paired with heeseung...also I'm not shipping any of them so don't think of it the other way, I'm just having trouble at thinking of a better name)

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