Chapter 35 : stop, don't stop

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Jay's POV

"Should i still continue the plan?" I mumble quietly not wanting other's to hear. This keeps on bothering me. I've been planning for this since i don't know, this had to be executed at some time. But why? Some of me keeps on saying to STOP already but there's also part of me saying DON'T STOP it keeps on messing with my head. I can't focus on anything. Currently I'm now staring at my desk with noting on top of ot just an empty space as i sigh.

"What plan hyung?" A voice rang and i familiarize it belongs to Jungwon i looked at him as he was standing infront of me. He's seat is just right next to mine that's why he heard what i said earlier. Need to come up with something.

"Uhh... Well you see, ahh, it's about..... About my... My parents! Yes my parents. They we're planning on renovating the house they said that they wanna make it another style again. They asked me if we should still continue the plan" i LIED hoping that he will fall for it. Jungwon is a smart student you can't fool him easily, he's also good at detecting lies it's like he's a machine that detect lies from a person. He has great senses and i really hope he won't notice that I'm lying right now.

"Really hyung, are you sure? Are you okay? you were stuttering. And you don't stutter when you're talking" he said to me. I can feel that he's gut is telling him that I'm lying, he's already doubting my statement. I should do something I can't let him sabotage my plan it's going to be dangerous if he does and if he knows....

"I'm fine jungwon, i just forgot what's the plan all about and i needed to remember it that's why i stuttered. Also don't think of it that much it would only hurt that smart brain of yours" i said as he sat down at his chair and i patted his shoulder. The both of us are in good terms now by the way.

"Okay hyung, you said that" he said as i caught a glimpse of the little smirk laying on his pink lips but it faded quickly and got replaced by a frown. Now what's up with him?

"I think i should be the one asking if you're okay" i said to him as he looked at me still had a frown on his lips. He looked away and looked back, the direction where Y/N was sitting.

"But why?"

"Nothing's wrong with me hyung, I'm just not in the mood that's all" he replied taking a water bottle from his bag and started drinking the colorless liquid inside. He's addams apple moving as he drank.

"Okay" i replied my mind was once again occupied by stupid thoughts such as the plan thing.

I really don't know what to do anymore.

"So we're joining the contest!" Sunoo exclaimed sitting on top of his desk, the teacher is still not here yet... Wonder where that is?

"I guess?" I said slightly confused whether joining or backing out.

"Yes, we are joining heeseung hyung had already agreed to it" Jungwon butted as he gave Sunoo a lovely smile showing his dimples.

"Okay, but what are we going to perform?" Sunoo asked as he looked at jungwon who's doodling on his notebook, i guess he's bored already.

"I still don't know ask heeseung hyung" jungwon answered and continued writing on his notebook. I looked at him and he was smiling while writing. Why? He's smile only widen making he's dimple appear deeper than it has to be.

I just brushed it off and started playing with my phone.


The teacher is taking so long, is she even coming? It's been an hour. Maybe she's. Not coming.

I looked at my watch to check the time It's already 3. I scanned the room and stood up leaving my bag and went outside, I'm now walking in the hallways going to the rooftop my favorite spot here at school. As i opened the door of the rooftop i was welcomed by the fresh wind it was very comforting, yes. I took a seat at the bench and looked at the sky, one of my favorite scenery it would always calm me down and help me clear the thoughts that's bugging me for a short period of time. But it helps.

I went to the railing and leaned my body there, my hands are on top griping on the railings. I took that time to scan the whole school

"Wow, didn't knew that the school would be this big. I really didn't expect that" i said as i looked everywhere but as i looked down my body shivered it was scarry. I can't even imagine jumping here.

I went back to siting on the bench before anyone see me near the railing, they might report it to the teacher because the rooftop is not open for student's to go. I took out my phone and played some comforting music as i just started at the sky. But at some point, i can feel that someone's staring at me. I don't know who it is but it's giving me chills it's making me uncomfortable too. I looked back scanning it but no one's their what the!?

"Anyone there?" I said but no reply, it's already getting creepy up here so i stopped the music and put the phone inside my pocket going down the rooftop. The cold wind brushing through my face. Who could that be?

I just brushed off the thought and went straight back to the classroom only to see no one inside.

"Where did everyone go?" I asked seeing the room empty no one was there so i just took my bag and went to the basketball court. I'll be waiting for Soobin there because his room is just near there so i could spot him easily.

I just sat on the chair and waited for that tall guy to step out of his room.

Jake's POV

"The teacher's are on an important meeting right now so she won't be attending class" one of the student from a different room said as she left.

"Yey! The teacher's not coming!" One of our classmate yelled in joy while me and the others looked at each other and smiled.

"So what's the plan?" I asked and grinned at them

"Yeah what's the plan hyung?" Niki asked and looked at heeseung who's drinking water.

"I don't know, what should we do?" Heeseung asked looking at all of us.

"Should we stay at Jake hyung's house?" Heeseung added as hw grinned at Jake knowing he'll be playing his favorite video game with large TV.

"What do you say?" Asked Sunoo who was also smirking knowing that theirs unlimited snacks.

"I hate you all" was all i said frowning knowing that they'll be staying at my house for how many hours.

"I love you too" said Sunghoon as he gave me a silly smile, hahaha so funny.

"Yeah, yeah" i said and huffed.

"He's trying to look cute hyung's hahahha" Jungwon butted laughing at his sentence as i widen my eyes. Cute!? Oh hell no.

"I'm not being cute what the" i complained at him the cat like boy only stuck out his tongue teasing me.

"Jay hyung, you're so quiet today" Niki said as we all looked at Jay's direction who's staring at an empty space. What's he thinking about?

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