Chapter 29: Family

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POV Gulf

After filming episode 11's break-up scene, Gulf was still in a weird mood. Type's sadness and frustrations were still tingling on his skin.

But that was nothing, compared to the way Mew was probably feeling.

The drive back to the condo was quiet. Mew was still a bit gloomy and spent the whole trip looking out the window. Gulf could only drive and check on him every once in a while.

Gulf could understand the reasons why Mew was still in that state, even though he was out of character.

Mew hated losing someone he loved more than anything in the world... just like Tharn did.

Mew had told him countless times how scared he was of Gulf leaving him alone.

It took a lot of reassurance and promises from him, to convince Mew that there was no way Gulf would leave him alone.

Unless Mew asked it himself.

Gulf didn't know how exactly Mew had done it to break himself apart like that, but he had to be deeply in touch with his inner Tharn to be able to act that way.

For Gulf, on the other way, it had been easy to connect with Type's feelings. Being able to do anything for his lover, even if it costs him his own happiness, was something Gulf could relate with. Seeing his boyfriend's face stained with tears and snot and not being able to do something to make it better, was literally hell on earth for him.

The only thing Gulf could do was to wait outside set, covering his mouth with his hand to not let out a whimper, until his boyfriend's sobs were over. Silence surrounded the set while Mew cried, wishing for his boyfriend's return.

After the scene was done, Gulf had not wasted time in going back in and hug his lover, trying to console him. He had been feeling sad himself, but bringing his boyfriend back from that sad place had been more important.

Even MAME had been worried about Mew at some point. Mew just kept crying and crying, clinging to Gulf, like afraid he would leave again.

When Gulf and Mew arrived at the condo, Gulf turned the car off and turned to face his Phi.

- Phi? - he hesitantly asked - Are you ok?

Mew flinched like he had been sleeping and just had woken up because of Gulf's voice.

- Yes... - he said with a low voice - Let's go inside.

Gulf hesitated for a moment, before getting out of the car and make his way up the condo with Mew by his side. He looked at him every now and then, trying to decipher his boyfriend's mood.

They got inside the condo, and Mew just stood there for a moment, watching the floor while he took his shoes off.

Gulf looked at him concerned, not knowing what to say or do to make him talk to him.

- Are you hungry, Phi? - Gulf took his shoes off as well, and turned around to face Mew - We can-

His words were cut by a pull in his right arm. With a 'hump', Gulf found himself flushed against Mew's body. When he tried to pull a bit back to look at his face, Mew's mouth came down to his. A surprised moan left Gulf's mouth before he closed his eyes and started kissing back. Mew's hands were on his face, his movements desperate and rough. Gulf could only go with the flow, letting Mew take what he needed from him to feel better.

Gulf's hands found his Phi's face, caressing it softly, trying to calm down the turmoil of feelings he had inside.

Mew moved them until Gulf's back hit the wall at the entrance. He continued kissing him until they had to come out to breathe.

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