Chapter 18: Our decision

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POV Gulf

Gulf had been restless all day ever since Mew had told him he needed some time to think. Gulf had known. Mew was going to make a decision about their relationship. His Phi had looked stressed and worried.

Gulf had somehow felt guilty. He was making Mew go through all that because he couldn't contain his feelings. He had known he should have waited.

But it was pointless to think about the "what if"s. What was done, was done.

Now, Gulf had to deal with what was about to come.

Gulf had seen the fear in Mew's face while they talked at the beach. It had been so obvious. Mew wasn't ready to deal with feelings. Not after what happened to him a few months back. Gulf had thought about Mew's condition when they met. He had been skinny, with big black circles under his eyes and a cautious stare.

But now, Gulf had put that fear in his eyes. Mew had been opening up to him after so many months working together. Gulf got too confident. It was clear now that he had made a mistake.

He had turned around and headed to their room, a defeated feeling in his heart. It was over. His dreams and desires were suddenly crushed. He had been preparing himself all day for that, but nothing could have prepared him for the emptiness that overtook him after talking with Mew.

Now what?

They were still going to have to work together, after all, they needed to finish TharnType. After that, events, promoting brands, interviews... all alongside Mew.

Will I be able to put up with all that?


Why should I Type? It hurts.

Better be a good friend and a brother than not be there at all. Didn't you say that?

Gulf felt selfish. A few months back he had been satisfied with just seeing Mew in pictures and videos on his phone. Now he wanted all. He wanted his hugs and kisses. He wanted his bad temper and his smiles. He wanted to be his one and only... just like Mew was his.

Tears came down from his eyes as he thought about everything he had lost with his selfishness. Mew would be all awkward now with him. No more hugs. No more taking care of him.

The door had suddenly opened. A startled Gulf had look at Mew's frantic eyes.

What is he doing here? I thought I asked him for some time.

- Phi... - Gulf tried to say through his closed throat.

- Was it you? - he suddenly asked.

- Huh?

Mew had moved to where he was seated on the edge of his bed and kneel in front of him.

- On Twitter, was it you?

What? It can't be...

There was no way Mew knew. What were the odds?

- Eh... I... - Gulf stuttered

- GBall97, is that you?

Gulf opened his eyes as wide as he could.

Oh my god, he knows!

- I... - Gulf didn't know what to answer. He felt his face starting to redden.

Is he mad? Is he repulsed by me? Because I kind of stalked him before knowing him?

- Please Gulf... just tell me - Mew seemed desperate for an answer.

Gulf didn't know what to say. Should he tell him the truth? He looked around the room, anywhere but his Phi's eyes.

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