Chapter 11: Gulf's secrets (part 2)

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POV Gulf

It was like a dream come true.

Not all days did someone get the opportunity to work with the person you had admired for so long.

Gulf was on cloud nine with the possibility. He wanted to get closer to his Phi, help him, make him understand that not everything in his life was over.

But Gulf found bumps on the road.

Firstly, Mew seemed to be trying to keep his distance from him.

Even at the TEP interview, Mew had been reserved with their interactions. He touched Gulf when he needed to, and talked to him when asked. He even helped Gulf understand some parts of the interview, as he wasn't that good at english. But there was no closeness. Even though the chemistry was there, they weren't getting any closer.

Mew was kind, don't get that wrong. He was kind and respectful, always taking care of his Nong one way or another. But he seemed to think about Gulf as only work. And that was something Gulf wasn't happy about.

That's why he said Mew would protect him in the TEP interview.

If Gulf showed him some trust from his part, maybe Mew would warm up to him a little faster. Poor Mew looked taken aback when Gulf said that. Like surprised. Like he didn't actually believe Gulf would say that.

Gulf tried and tried to make Mew believe in his words. But somehow it didn't seem to pay off.

After that, they went to the LINE TV Awards 2018.

Mew had talked to Gulf a lot, trying to reassure his Nong. Gulf had been nervous because he had never been to such a big event all by himself. Mew had had to go with his previous mates from "What the Duck?" and wouldn't be able to accompany Gulf.

When Mew talked to him about it, he had looked resigned, and actually really nervous about it. Gulf had thought that the obvious reason was Mew didn't want to see HIM.

That day had been really scary for Gulf. He had felt out of place and awkward. He wasn't used to places with big crowds and loud noises.

Gulf hadn't been close with any of the other cast members from TharnType at the time and had felt a little bit lost. But he had been worried as well. Worried for his P'Mew, wandering around with the guy that had hurt him.

But a smile had come to his face when he saw, a couple of hours later, Mew walking to him with a different set of clothes.

- Did you miss me? - he had asked when he got to Gulf's side.

- A little bit - Gulf had answered.

Having Mew by his side had been the most amazing feeling. Gulf had felt safe and taken care of. Mew had been patient with his questions and had helped him in any way possible. Gulf had watched him all night, wondering if he saw or talked to that guy, and praying to the gods he didn't. But Mew looked calm and focused, not sad or angry.

After that, Gulf had thought they had become a little bit closer to each other.

But no.

Mew was still keeping his distance.

Workshops came and they started having some skinship. It was important for them to be comfortable together because if they weren't, the series wouldn't be a success. But Mew was really careful with his touches, like expecting Gulf to be angry or scared of him. Their interactions had been awkward and not smooth at all.

Gulf had been fed up by the time they had to act the "Call me by your name" scene.

He didn't plan it, he wasn't going to do it.

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