Chapter 9: Didn't see that one coming

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- Yes, mae, I'm eating well - Mew said over the phone while talking to P'Boss.

Boss called him at least once a day. Mew didn't know he had gotten so bad in the last months that had gone by, that he needed to be babied like that.

- Are you sleeping ok? - Boss asked.

Mew looked at the living room from the kitchen door. Gulf was on his sofa eating snacks while playing some videogame on his TV.

- P'Mew, can I go to your condo this week? - Gulf had asked the day before, after finishing their workshop.

- What?

- Your condo. I want your help with my lines. Also, I need some guidance with some scenes - Gulf had looked at Mew with big puppy eyes.

Mew had thought about it for a minute. Was it a good idea?

- Yeah... sure - he had said doubtful - Are you free tomorrow?

- Yes, Phi! - Gulf said happily - Tomorrow then. I'll see you at 1 pm?

- Isn't it a bit late?

- I want to sleep the morning Phi~

Mew had laughed at that. The boy couldn't waste an opportunity to sleep.

- Ok. I'll see you then.

And there they were, a day later. Gulf got into his condo and got the videogame going in matter of minutes.

Practice my ass.

- Are you listening, Mew? - P'Boss said over the phone.

That snapped Mew out of his thoughts.

- Yes, Phi. I'm here. What did you ask?

- Sleep. How have you been sleeping?

Mew thought about it for a second. His sleeping habits were all over the place, but they were getting better. He could sleep a least 5 hours a day.

It was an improvement.

Mew looked at the young man sitting on the couch with his feet up and crossed.

- I'm getting better Phi. Yesterday I slept for 5 hours.

- Mmm... it is getting better. And how's the filming?

- Everything is ok for now.

- Do you get along with your co-actor?

The way P'Boss asked the question got Mew a little worked up.

- I'm not making the same mistake again Phi - Mew sounded determined.

- I didn't mean-

- I know. I just want to say it.

- Ok, Mew. I'm hanging up. But let me ask you something. Who are you trying to convince? You... or me?

- ...

- See you soon Mew - and then Boss hang up.

Boss's last words got Mew a little restless. He was determined to not go through that issue ever again.

And besides... Gulf was straight and he was not interested.

- P'Mew! - Gulf called from the living room.

Mew looked at him and saw his big brown eyes sparkling. His face had a big smile on it as he called out for his Phi.

- Yes, Nong - Mew said as he moved to the couch and sat beside Gulf.

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