Chapter 25: First times

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POV Gulf

*cough* *cough* *cough*

- Alai wa? – Mew's shocked face brought a giggle out of Gulf.

- You heard me – Gulf said while pulling from where he was resting to look at Mew's face – When are we gonna have sex?

- Shit – Mew seemed like he couldn't believe what he was hearing – You serious right now?

- Like a heart attack.

Mew's eyes looked everywhere but Gulf. He couldn't define his feelings.

Was he mad?

Was he afraid? Nervous?

- Talk to me P'Mew, tell me what are you thinking – Gulf asked.

- I'm scared – he finally whispered.

- Of what?

- I'm scared of messing this up. I don't know if you have done this before with a man, but it's your first time, so it's a big deal for me. What if you don't like it?

- But you want to do it? – Gulf carefully asked.

Mew then, looked at him hungrily.

- I want to... - Mew took one of Gulf's hands and placed it on his crotch – My god... I want to so bad Gulf.

Gulf could feel the response of Mew's body on his hand.

That's a relief.

- But what if I do something that scares you or makes you feel uncomfortable? – Mew said.

- You won't – Gulf said with conviction – Do you know how I know that?

Mew shook his head.

- Because I trust you.

Mew's eyes watered for a moment.

Gulf got up from where he was and straddled Mew's legs, sitting on top of them. He kissed Mew hungrily while his Phi's fingers were pressed into his thighs. He had been thinking about it for a long time, craving his boyfriend's touch, but hesitant to say it out loud. But now, all he cared about was that he was finally going be Mew's. And from the way he was returning his kisses, he knew in his gut Mew was ready too.

But besides Mew's body reaction, his mind seemed to hesitate. He pulled his mouth from Gulf's and tried to catch his breath.

- Tell me what to do, Gulf – he said.

Gulf took a moment to stare at those eyes he loved so much. Those eyes looked at him with love, lust, and hunger. He brushed his mouth over Mew's.

- Just love me.



Mew's heart swelled in his chest with so many emotions.

He did love Gulf. And that was a scary thought. What he felt for Gulf was a thousand times more powerful than anything he had felt before, even HIM, and while he wanted to believe that Gulf would never hurt him like that, his heart would not recover from losing him.

He kissed Gulf, climbing to his feet. He reached down and wrapped his fingers around his thighs, making him wrap them around his waist. Their body was flush while they kiss. Then, he started walking to his bedroom, trying not to kill them on the way there.

Gulf giggled when Mew hit his foot with the table.

- You ok? – Gulf said smiling.

- Brat.

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