Chapter 20: I can't believe we did that

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- So... you asked him for some time?? - the amused tone of voice Jane was using put Mew's nerves to the ceiling.

- I know it sounds dumb... - Mew started saying.

- I'm sorry for saying this Mew... but it doesn't sound dumb, you sound like a jerk.

- Aow!

Mew and Gulf had done all their scenes at Pagan Island really quickly. As a reward, they had got to spend time together visiting the island as tourists. They went to the beach together and had one hell of a time. No cameras, no director, no script... just them.

At night, they had talked... about nothing important. Mew had realized how little he actually knew about Gulf. Simple things like when were his first kiss or his favorite color. He had been a little depressed about it. Made him feel like the worst boyfriend ever. But Gulf hadn't care.

- You know me P'Mew... you know the things that matter. The rest will come with time.

There was so much at stake, and that filled Mew's heart with fear.

What would people think?

What would their friends think? Mild? Boat?

What would their families think?

Being with Gulf had brought nothing but happiness to Mew's life... but it had brought fear as well.

He had needed to think for a bit. Re-valuate his decisions. And that's what he told Gulf.

- Are you regretting being with me? - he had asked with sad eyes.

- No! - Mew had taken his hand - Never. I just need to clear my head. I promise you I will call you.

Four days had passed since that particular conversation, and even though they had exchanged some messages over LINE, they haven't talk yet.

- What? I'm your friend, so I have to call you on your shit when you're being an asshole. Well, guess what? You're being an asshole - Jane said.

Mew knew she was right. But that didn't mean he liked that fact.

- Gulf understood where I was coming from.

- Because that boy is too sweet to you. You have been together for... what? A week? And you're asking him for time already?

- When you put it like that... - Mew sighed - I just wanted to get rid of this odd feeling I have. I don't want to hurt him.

- And what do you think you're doing now? He must be out of his mind, worried for you.

Mew had to give it to her. He was being a jerk to his boyfriend.


He never actually thought he would be referring to Gulf like that. Or anyone, for that matters.

Being in a relationship gave Mew a restless feeling. And he didn't know why. But Jane was right, it wasn't fair to Gulf to just wait for him to put his shit together alone.

- I know - he finally caved - You're right.

- I'm always right - Jane said with a superior stare.

- Fuck you.

- Not interested.

He was gonna kill her someday.

- I called him this morning, he's gonna spend the night here - he said to Jane while moving to the kitchen to find some water.

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