Chapter 19 : A Stranger In The Dark

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Temari was desperately hurtling to meet deadlines. Meetings, paper work, signatures, one after another their finalization was required within an impossible short period of time. She barely had time to take care of herself. She couldn't remember the last time she had a decent meal, or sleep for that matter. Like Shikamaru, her desk was her pillow for most of her nights. She was overwhelmed to her breaking point, but she knew she was almost done.

One more month and she was free to have her vacation in Konoha. One more month and she would be in the most relaxing work environment she wished was her daily life. One more month and she would see the boy that ruined her bitter life.

She slumped into her desk chair, sprawling her body out as much as she could without falling off. She had to decompress for a moment. She hadn't sat once all day with the amount of paper work she was frantically running to different offices. She needed a breather. Just one moment to rest her tired mind and legs.

Kankuro walked into their shared office, interrupting that idea. He snickered seeing the view of his lounging sister. He placed a paper on her desk, then took to his own spot.

Temari's eyes lowered in defeat, as a large shaky inhale filled her lungs, "I don't know what that is you placed on my desk, but I can't handle another file today. Can you please take care of it?", she begged.

"I don't think you want me responding to your love letter.", he teased, then continued cleaning up his desk for the night.

"Oh.", was exhaled with a tint rising to her cheeks. She tugged her sore body up straight, and reached to the far end of her desk.

She beamed at the break it offered. Writing Shikamaru was the only stress-free outlet she had at the moment. Especially now that they were finished with the two files. It was a refresher to see light-hearted words for once, instead of her usual files.


You are right, I have been counting. There is exactly 30 days left until I'm stuck with you.

You're going to enjoy the close proximity you get to share with me in my office, for three whole months. I'm bursting with excitement just thinking of all your unwanted comments I'm going to deal with. I can't wait for you to make my life miserable again, since you won't have a training field to take your anger out on.

Although, you never know... I might take you up on that offer to join you in counting sand now that our files are done. It could be our first date, since you promised me one.

Tell Kankuro and Gaara I say hello back.


Your Crybaby"

She snickered at his sappy words. Her tough attitude was overwhelmed by butterflies growing in her stomach. She was actually becoming more excited about giving him that date. Her mind was clearer on the subject ever since her and Kankuro talked things out. If she were to give anyone a chance, it would be him. Plus, she wouldn't mind the opportunity to show him how much of a drag a date with her could be.

Kankuro peered over to his giggling sister who he has never seen show a bigger smile, "Geez what did he write? You're not one for love letters, so I know it couldn't be how much he values you."

Temari forgot she wasn't alone, but her smile didn't fade. She let out an awkward giggle, "Of course not. It's the complete opposite actually.", she was unable to control the bubbly, energetic feeling consuming her body. She looked back fondly at the letter with her grin growing bigger, "He wrote about how miserable I make him."

Kankuro raised an eyebrow, "You two have the weirdest relationship."

Temari could only hum in agreement. How she found someone who enjoyed putting up with her, she wouldn't know. She scooted away from her desk and collected her belongings, still with a big grin collected on her lips, "I'm calling it a night."

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