Chapter 5 : A Long-Sleeved Shirt

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Temari hopelessly dragged her worn out body further into the room, tossing her bag with minimal effort onto the bed she'd be sleeping in for the time being, then began unpacking her stuff. After almost getting to the bottom of her gear, she was stunned to find she didn't bring any shirts to sleep in. All her other clothing packed were her training uniforms.

"Great.", was all she slurred into the bottomless silence of the lonely room.

She made her way back out to the living room to see Shikamaru was already nestled into his pale-blue blanket, spread out over the thin couch with one arm cushioned behind the back of his neck.

She frightened him when she leaned over the back of the couch, hovering closely over his napping face.

"Nara.", She directed firmly, causing him to jump from a short-lived, sudden rush of fear. He relaxed again lazily, sinking back into the couch when he realized it was the usual irritable blonde.

"It's been barely 10 minutes since we were last together. What could you possibly want now?", he pushed with an impatient mood.

"We have an issue, and don't be sassy with me.", she pouted. She was in a house she had never been in before. He should be treating her with more hospitality rather than pushing her away. Even if she is a 'big girl', and could figure things out on her own, she really didn't want to cross any boundaries.

Plus, he said no snooping.

He propped himself up on his forearms from the couch, and rubbed weary circles into his eyes with his balled hand, "What's the issue?", he exhaled. His face came closer to the girl's who hadn't moved from her leaned over position on the back board of the couch when he sat up.

"I don't have a shirt to sleep in...", she admitted lamely, "I guess I forgot to pack that part.", she shrugged.

He gave her a look of dread. Not because of her bugging him, but because of how good she was going to look in one of his shirts, and how bad he's going to be at controlling his heart rate.

"Alright, alright.", he said, throwing his blanket off of his lap onto the couch, giving in to her requirements.

He paid close attention to their pair of feet tapping against the wooden floor on their way down the hall. Her footsteps were so much lighter than his, it was adorable to think of how tiny the killer konoichi actually was.

Of course he would never be able to taunt her about their physical height difference or his spine might be shortened from the hard hit he'd receive from her Iron fan.

He led her back into his room and opened his closet's sliding door, throwing his hands up for a stretch and yawn. Temari watched as the boy's muscled body lengthened and his arms tensed, showing more of his physical features. His released hair relaxed at his shoulders, with lazy strands peeking in front of his face.

He hazily ran his hands to push the tickling hair back from his view, while he pondered through his options of clothing to give her. He grabbed one of his black long sleeves and tossed it at her, "Is this okay?", he questioned unenthusiastically, trying not to show any emotion; when really, he was dying inside.

He was hoping for a simple yes. Making it so they could get their interaction over with... At the same time, he was hoping for a yes because he picked out one of his favorite shirts that would look especially good on her; even though it was just a simple black-long sleeve. She was tiny, and all she wore was tight, layered clothing. Which made her look, not tall, but normal sized you could say? All he knew was if she accepted the oversized shirt, that was also a tad too big on him, then he'd be pretty much screwed. He couldn't admit to himself that he would be able to resist the cute, tiny, adorable, killing machine of a girl in his large shirt.

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