Chapter 8 : An Almost Lazy Day

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The murky sky was shaded in an ombré of light blues, taking over the night stars that leisurely faded away from the morning sweltering sun climbing from the west. It wasn't bright enough to exactly call it morning, but it was light enough to be able to tell the outside world was waking up. Shikamaru stirred at the birds scattered chirping patterns in his backyard, only a few flying around from tree to tree, beginning the morning commotion.

He was engulfed with discontent, recognizing the double warmth was now subtracted to a single blanket. The only reason he was eager to wake up this morning was because of the idea he held onto strictly all night. The idea of waking up to the mistress that occupied the loneliness of his vast, vacant house. It was apparent that hope was gone, seeming as if his laziness got the best of him, causing him to miss his chance.

He growled through a groggy moan at his distress. He didn't know why he was yearning this much for the contentment the troublesome woman radiated.

Maybe it was the new house he lived in by himself. A house was too much for a single body. He would rather have a simple, insignificant, laid-back apartment; With little to own, and little space. All he needed was a couch and bed. A house was for a family and he was just a simple man, working his life to make ends meet. While a family didn't sound too bad in his head somewhere in the far future, as for the moment, it was just him. Enjoying the freedom of the single life, and new found adult hood to himself. Although, he didn't know how long that would last.

He grew up with constant orders, constant nagging, constantly someone to keep his life in check. It wouldn't take long for him to miss the excitement that took away from his boring, short energized self. He would probably grow bored of himself, not being able to have the energy to entertain his rotting soul. He would probably waste away on the couch or in a grass field somewhere, never moving from the position.

He lifted his sore, achy body from the uncomfortably thin couch. Roaming his abode, he noticed the TV screen wasn't illuminated, it consisted of an unmoving darkness caressing the entirety of the screen. He also noticed the scene of their night had been sanitized. The movie was placed back into its ordered spot in its hideaway inside the cabinet next to his TV. He walked around, trying to surveillance what else he might have missed.

He didn't even feel her weight shift off of him. What time even was it?

He tugged his legs to carry his heavy, sleepy body to his room. Without entering the doorway, he leaned against the frame that bordered the whole in the wall to allow a door. Peering in, His sleepy eyes shifted to face his night stand, which showed his common clock that illuminated the red numbers of 5 am.

Okay, it absolutely wasn't his laziness, this was craziness. No one should get up before at least 8 am.

"Ugh, women.", he groaned to his self. He permitted his eyesight to roam the stale room, looking for any indication where the woman wondered off to, or if she was even still there.

Running piercing droplets hit the floor of the shower that unexpectedly announced behind him. The harsh sound was faint from the closed door across the hallway from his own room.

He imagined she must have just started her routine after he heard the curtains screech across the metal bar they were held up by, and screech again in closing.

'Well.... a few more minutes wouldn't hurt...', he tried to justify. He couldn't get ready since she was occupying the room he needed to be in. He tempted his mind with his forbidden lover, as he wrapped into the freeness of his own bed instead of the unloving couch. The great feeling of everlasting cushion surrounded his body, seducing his muscles to drop into liberating.

'This is way better than the couch.', was his last faith driven sentence before quickly falling asleep.

Shikamaru's second rest was intruded 30 minutes later by a steamy goddess. Dressed in only a white towel that snuggly wrapped around her curvaceous body, filming the wonders that lingered underneath. Her damp hair trickled raindrops down her shoulders that also streamed down her back in symmetry. She opened the door to his room and closed it secretively behind her.

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