Chapter 15 : Not That I Care

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The last two days of her three-day trip back to Suna were taken over by an unforgiving sand storm and its temperaments.

The wind was harsh. Shoving through the air instead of swimming through it. Intertwining itself with the environment instead of brushing past it. The unruly whirlwind took the sandy desert captive, sharpening the edges of each grain against Temari's cheeks as she pushed towards her route home. It felt as if she was scraping sand paper to her skin.

Her shoe openings allowed the sand to slide in to her shoes and drain out with each step. Every inhale was met with hot air, creating a dry throat, and random crunching of sand between her teeth. She pulled her cloak tighter across her face, trying to block any easy ways for the sands entry, but it still managed to find its way to add to her problem.

A heavy thud positioned itself against the Kazekage's desk after the door abruptly swung open, smashing against the wall it was adjacent to. A tired, aggravated girl slung her cloak to the floor, dropping it with a sand cloud fading around its impact. The woman proceeded to unravel her sand drenched, thick scarf. The scarf dangled as she held it away from herself, pouring any sand it carried from the storm on to the floor. She tossed the drained scarf on top of her cloak, next to the new mound of sand she brought as a gift to the Kazekage.

As another offering of peace from the girl, a finger carrying steaming emotions came into Gaara's personal space. He decided to lean away from the threatening finger that stopped an inch away from his face, "Listen here, 'Kazekage'. You may have power, but you are still my little brother and don't get to use the 'higher-title-card' on me. You got that?", His worried, eyes trailed the finger up to its holder who wore a heavy, infuriated eyebrow that creased with all the weight it was capable of carrying.

Gaara eased a balled fist up to cover his mouth, allowing him to clear his throat, "Temari.", he began professionally, straightening his posture from its threatened, cowering one.

"No, you listen here, buddy. I mean really? I only had one day left, and just traveled through a sand storm. You two couldn't have waited? If you want to get your sorry butt out of this, you tell me where Kankuro is right now!", Temari argued the man who barely was able to respond since she started, slamming a hand that connected to the threatening finger on his desk with rage.

Gaara's hand quickly shot towards the direction to his right that was blocked by the wall of his office. She understood his meaning. It indicated towards the general direction of an office only Kankuro and Temari were allowed into.

Temari scoffed with a roll of her eyes, tossing the 'Urgent Summoning Scroll' onto his desk without care, "You're such a push over, you know that?", She teased her little brother, as she walked around his desk.

Gaara stood up to follow the movement with a nervous chuckle of his own, slightly slipping through his lips. The two loving siblings embraced each other as a welcome home for Temari, "I'm glad you made it back safely once more, Temari.", Gaara smiled in relief, releasing their hug.

Temari gave him a light punch to his shoulder, "Idiot. Next time don't give into Kankuro's demands. You know I'm scarier than him.", She grumbled, swiftly picking up her Tessen she slammed against his desk earlier. She flung the heavy weapon around to hitch at its place on her back.

"Temari.", Gaara called out with little force before his sibling made her exit.

Temari turned from her spot at the door, looking back to him with a raised eyebrow, "Hm?"

Gaara gave a wince of plead, "Maybe go easy on him?"

"Yeah, yeah.", Temari sarcastically responded, shutting the door to his office behind her.

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