Chapter 9 : An Almost Lazy Night

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"Hurry up, we are going to be late.", Temari demanded with a shout to the boy who was getting ready in the bathroom. She sat on Shikamaru's bed, clipping the strap around her revealed ankle to her black short heels. Oddly enough, she was ready before him.

Ino commanded everyone to meet up for dinner after refreshing from the lake. She made reservations to a fancy restaurant, even though their usual group was way too disruptive of people to fit into that type of scenery.

Temari was more dressed up than she was used to. After her shower, she slipped into a tight hugging, spaghetti-strap black dress, that slinked down to her mid-thigh. Although her hair still in its signature four ponytails, it added a spaunky look to her attire.

After Shikamaru finished with his own shower, he leisurely opened the bathroom door to answer the girls shout. He was shirtless, with jeans covering his lower half. Steam dispensed out of the bathroom cut out behind him to its new escape route into the hallway. The lazy boy walked towards the room of noise, massaging his clean hair to dry in his towel, "Quiet woman. I'm going.", He nonchalantly responded to her griping.

Trying to avoid his heart from taking over his mind, he averted his gaze from the female seductively leaning back on her hands with legs crossed waiting for him on the bed. She was stunning. He had to gulp as a struggle to rid the burning in his chest.

He made sure to force his body to continue its functions towards his closet. Sifting through the minimal choices he had, he pulled out a dull black t-shirt and took it off the hanger.

"What are you doing?", Temari stood from the bed promptly, with a questionable look when she watched him pick a poor choice of clothing.

Shikamaru looked at the obvious shirt that he already had his arms through, with the shirt scrunched into itself preparing the neck hole for his head, "I'm uh... getting dressed?", he tilted his head in confusion of why she was so interested.

"You're not wearing that.", She calculated boldly. She walked to his closet, pushing through the displayed hangers of options.

Shikamaru's eyes wilted at her demands, sliding the shirt off of his arms. He threw it on the floor, being too lazy to hang it back up, "What's the use in looking nice, it's just dinner...", Shikamaru whined. Leaning against his wall while he waited for his shirt to be picked out.

"Because it's at a nice restaurant, you idiot. You're supposed to look nice when you go somewhere nice.", Temari repeated, like she had to explain it simply to a child. She pulled out a black collared, long-sleeved button-up, "Here.", she stated.

He took the shirt pressed to his chest.

She looked at him with impatience in her raised eyebrow.

He blankly stared at her in confusion of why she was watching him so intently now.

"Well, put it on. I have to see if it looks good or not.", she ushered, like it was obvious what her intentions were.

He groaned at her bossiness, "First forcing me to watch a movie with you, then forcing me to wear something different. Next thing I know, you'll have me whipped into something more demanding.", he shoved his arms behind him into the open sleeves.

"Oh shut it, I haven't forced you to do anything.", she pestered, crossing her arms with irritation.

He chuckled while he tried buttoning his shirt, but managed to screw it up by being off by one button. Temari huffed impatiently, grabbing the top button from his hands and unbuttoning his whole shirt again.

Shikamaru couldn't help to feel anxious at the feeling of her undressing him, but he knew he couldn't think any bad thoughts or she would read his mind like she usually did. He couldn't help to take his eyes off of her. She was so close, breathing the same air as him. Her supple, tanned skin was highlighted by her light make up she chose to wear, and she smelled like a sunny day.

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