Chapter 13 : Temari's Leave

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The routine that was burned into Temari's brain was tampered with. Although her body still shuffled into auto-play, it was 5:30 am instead of 5 on the dot. Oddly enough, with the little change her body felt more refreshed than it usually did; especially with the late night she had, that extra 30 minutes was welcomed.

She was starting to see why the boy complained about her morning habit. She noticed how the days were shifted differently in Konoha than in Suna. The village stayed darker longer. Maybe because of the trees and mountains, or maybe the moon just favored this village more, but in Suna the sun devoured the village the moment it caught the chance. Waking up at 5 am in Suna meant the air was cool for a split second before the sun rose to take command the open abyss of sand. There was minimal coverage for her land, no trees nor mountains to keep the silk envelope of the night to remain longer. It was an abrupt change between night and day, there was no easing into mornings where she was.

If the sun was up, so was she.

She couldn't seem to break her habit the more she thought about it. Personally, she was envious of how easily the boy next to her could unravel his stresses and allow for the sheets to take over all his worries. With no alarm being set, she was able to sleep in an extra 30 minutes, but her body demanded to be freed from the forbidden rest Shikamaru's bed offered. Her body was weird, and her mind didn't fully agree on its decisions, but there was nothing she could do. Sleeping sounded nice, but making the most out of a full day also sounded better.

Temari gently slid the sheets off her, trying to move as light as a feather. She knew his head would probably be throbbing the moment his eyes met with the approaching fire in the sky, she took it upon herself to cut him some slack for this morning. Once free from the bed's restraints, she flowed over to the curtains hanging open that would display the bright light in about another hour. She tugged them closed without making a sound, then exited the room. She made it to the hallway, feeling the cold morning floor on her bare feet as she tried to lighten her steps from her usual flat-footed monster strides. She followed the path to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water to set on the bedside table in his room. If he ever did wake up, she didn't want to hear his whining of how bad his dehydrated brain was feeling. She figured she would think at least two steps ahead with the curtains and water.

Of course, she told herself she was only doing it for the sake of preventing his complaining. No way in hell would she ever wait on any one, especially him. In a rare case, possibly her brothers, but only if they were sick.

Temari placed her hand on the door's edge where it would close with the doorframe, hoping to muffle the sound of the click it would create when shutting fully. Successfully, with the bathroom door closed, she continued on with her morning routine of showering and throwing on her training uniform.

Refreshed, awake, and full of power, she strode confidently out of the steamy bathroom, forgetting about the sleeping boy. She pushed the door sharply to his bedroom, flinging it towards the wall. She winced in fear after remembering the lump in the bed. Her reflexes quickly snagged the door before it was inches away from slamming against the wall. With a silent sigh of relief, she treaded lightly over to her bag, putting her night wear away.

She looked at the peaceful boy before taking her leave. It seemed like his brows were furrowed slightly, missing her by his side unconsciously. She wished her body would let her join him, snuggle into his arms like they playfully did once before. Wherever their relationship was going, she was enjoying the split moment of intimacy with him.

Too many people had the same mindset as Shikamaru, and despised the fading moment before the day came. Temari on the other hand, truly enjoyed the mornings. Because of the simple mentality everyone shared, no one was awake. Therefore, she had the peaceful time to herself. Walking the streets, enjoying the fresh, uncluttered air and surroundings. Watching the wild life take advantage before it was disrupted by miserable humans.

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